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Chapter 6

© Copyright 2006 by Roy E. Proctor

“With the men gone, we can talk,” Sharon commented

“That idea of goading them into going hunting worked,” Rose Ann replied. “Appeal to their egos and you’ll win every time.”

“You’ve got that right,” Rose Ann laughed.

“You know what else, Rose Ann? Men won’t admit it but they like to be mothered.”

“Ah so,” Rose Ann replied. “Soothe the little boy that’s in them and they eat our of your hand.”

“Dream on Rose Ann, dream on,” Sharon replied with resignation.

The two of them had a great time in their jesting. Eventually, however, the reality of their subject of discussion brought a tense silence between them. Sharon’s questioning broke the awkward silence.

“I’ve got to know this, Rose Ann. Is Jimmy actually guilty as charged?”

“I’m terribly sorry, Sharon, but he is.”

“You mean guilty as sin, as they say?”

“I’m afraid so,” Rose Ann consoled.

So, you’re strategy is to somehow get a lighter sentence?”

“Well, as I see it, that’s all I can do.”

“So … how can I help you do that?”

“The law really doesn’t have much of a heart. Given this situation, it specifies what is considered to be the appropriate sentence. However, members of juries do, as well as some judges, can be swayed, influenced and even moved.”

“And I can help you to do that?”

“My strategy is to find some traumatic event in Jimmy’s life, or even a series of events, that we can claim have goaded him into getting involved. Then, I’ll appeal to the mercy of the court.”

“And what result do you envision?”

“Jimmy will have to spend some time in prison. But, I’ll try to convince those powers to be that he deserves a rehab setting. I’ll try to prevent him from simply being tossed into a hardcore prison situation that can destroy him. I have met him. And … for the life of me, do not see how he got involved in all of this. There must have been some form of pressure that impinged upon him.”

“So, we dig into Jimmy’s past life and examine stress marks , right?”

“That’s a strong way of putting it, but I guess you’re right.”

“Well, let me see now. Stressful situations. The biggest one I can think of is when Jimmy’s mother died. That’s when he started visiting here every summer. He was 10 years old at the time but accepted it well for a boy so young. I became sort of his adopted mother from that time on. When he was home we kept in touch often by email. We’ve had many conversations involving a woman’s perspective on things. You know how that is. A boy trying to understand girls, hoping to figure out what makes them tick.”

“But you say that Jimmy adapted well to his mother’s passing? So, where is the stress in all of that?”

“Strangely enough, Rose Ann, her passing wasn’t as difficult for him as living with his dad’s reactions to it.”

“His dad’s reactions?”

“Oh, yes. People lose mates and many bounce back quite well. But it took Jim five years to where he could even begin to be himself again. He went into an emotional seclusion, and allowed no one to penetrate the shield of grief. He threw himself into his work. That’s how he became the most successful DA in the city’s history. If it wasn’t for myself and friends at home, he could have lost Jimmy.”

“But, Jim seems like such a secure man and … well, cunningly romantic at times.”

“Yes, Rose Ann, but you must understand that it took him sixteen years to achieve that balance. That’s much too long. So, he did love his wife but stable individuals don’t take that long to recover from such a loss. For the most part, it’s just been glossed over with the passage of time.”

“So, do you suppose the stress we’re looking for lies somewhere in the history of Jim R. Watkins Junior?”

“Rose Ann. You’ve hit the nail right on the head.”

“Man, I wonder if I’m up to delving into this?”

“Listen to me Rose Ann. If anyone can do it, you can.”

“Oh … well … I consider myself to be a good lawyer but I’m not a skilled analyst who can pick a man’s heart apart and examine it without inflicting damage?”

“Rose Ann, from what I’ve seen, you just might have Jim’s heart anyway.”

HEY! and don't forget to e-mail Roy E. Proctor if you have a comment! He would really like to hear from you.

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