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Chapter 5

© Copyright 2006 by Roy E. Proctor

The force of the seat against Jim’s back felt good, as the giant airliner thrust its way up into the sky. It would take him away from a difficult situation. “Ah. One week of total relaxation,” he thought to himself. “No demands of the office and little thought of my troublesome situation.”

“You look like you’re in heaven,” Rose Ann commented as the plane leveled off.

“I was just thinking how good it would be to get away for a whole week”.

“How long has it been since you’ve taken a vacation?”

“Vacation? Come to think of it, it’s been at least five years.”

“Five years. Why, Jim, you’re going to burn yourself to the bone. Why so long?”

“Rose Ann, have you ever taken a vacation by yourself? No one to enjoy it with?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“I’ve found it more fulfilling to throw myself into being a DA.”

“You’ve not even been to see your sister in five years?”

“Oh, she’s been to see me a few times and brought her son.” Sitting straighter in his seat and looking at Rose Ann, Jim added. “And wait till you meet this kid. He has a way of putting one on the spot with his words. Believe you me, he knows no embarrassment, even at seven years of age.”

“There’s that look again,” Jim thought to himself. “The look of peace that would calm a storm. Something I need, I guess.”

“You know, counselor,” Jim commented. “I’m glad you came along. You’re a good stress reliever.”

“I’m probing into your personal life and that helps your stress?”

“It’s just you, that’s all.”

“Would you two like something to drink?” the flight steward interrupted.

Jim and Rose Ann were taken back by the smile on his face as he noticed their holding of hands.

“A special trip?” the steward responded.

“Business,” Jim responded immediately. “Uh ... I’ll take coffee.

“I’ll have some too,” Rose Ann interjected.

“Two coffees coming up.” The flight steward looked back at them and smiled and commented, “Business? Right.”

* * *

“Uncle Jim,” the bright-faced boy shouted as he ran and jumped into Jim’s outstretched arms.

“Hello Jason. And how is my favorite nephew? Hm, Hm. I see you still know how to give strong man hugs.”

The two of them twirled round and round. Jason’s laughter filled the entire area as Jim held him upside down.

Turning Jason toward Rose Ann, Jim said, “Jason Hamilton, meet Ms. Rose Ann Sharone.”

“Hi Jason.”

“Hey uncle Jim, she looks pretty upside down,” Jason responded joyfully.

“And, how does she look right side up?” Jim asked, after pulling Jason upright.

“Wow, she’s really pretty, Uncle Jim. Is she your girlfriend?”

“Oh, you’re kind,” replied Rose Ann.

“Uncle Jim, put me down. I’ve got to welcome her.”

Jason’s demeanor changed completely. He walked over to Rose Ann, extended his hand and said, “Why, hello my dear. How privileged I am to welcome you to the mile high city. It is my pleasure to be your personal escort while you are here?”

“What a welcome by such a handsome boy. Such kissable cheeks, too.”

“All right now. These cheeks are not kissable,” Jason blushed.

“Jason, if you’re through charming our guest, I’d like to meet her.”

“Okay mom.”

Hi, Rose Ann, I’m Sherry Hamilton, Jim’s sister. I’ve heard some neat things about you.”

“Why, thank you,” replied Rose Ann humbly. “Jim has said some nice things about you too.”

“Can I help get the bags, Uncle Jim?” Jason asked. “I’ll get your bag and you get Ms. Rose Ann’s four.”

“Four,” commented Rose Ann.

“Why yes,” Jason responded, with his silent facial wink. “Women always use lots of bags.”

“I’m afraid I did bring four bags, Mr. Jason.”

“See there. I know all about women.”

* * *

“Why, hello Jim R. Watkins Jr., you macho legal ‘Johndow,’ you,” exclaimed Shawn Hamilton.

“And hello to you, ole millionaire.”

The two of them exchanged greetings so intensely that everyone else present felt left out, until Jim, interrupted their personal jostling. “Shawn, I want you to meet the best legal mind I’ve seen in a long time. This is Rose Ann Sharone.”

“Hello Rose Ann, and welcome to our humble abode.”

“Oh,” was all Rose Ann could say.

“See there, Ms. Rose Ann,” piped Jason. “ Here you have two handsome men. Dad’s married. That means that you’re my girl while you’re here, right?”

“That means you get a kiss every day,” Rose Ann teased.

“Yuck, I think I’ll go water the horses.”

Everyone laughed at Jason becoming trapped in his own words

The Hamilton’s ranch house looked like a home straight out of the typical old west TV series: rustic, with huge beamed ceilings. The entire scene was refreshing compared to the frantic life of the eastern city.

Dinner that evening was delicious. She did feel a bit “on the spot,” however. Jason was forever looking at she and Jim with his warm smile and the subtle wink of his face. Strangely enough, however, his face took on a sudden look of sorrow as he spied an empty space at the table.

“Dad, may I be excused?” he pleaded.

“Yes, you may,” Shawn responded, while studying his son’s teary eyes.

“Oh, I’m so glad that you two can stay a whole week. You’ll love it out here.” Shawn’s words broke the heaviness that ensued over Jason’s sudden departure. “Tomorrow its horse back riding. Have you ever been on a horse, Rose Ann?”

“Hm, no. I was raised a city girl. The only horse I’ve been on is the merry go round kind as a little girl. I hope your live animals are tame.”

“Oh, yes. They’re quarter horses. Very tame animals.”

“Why are they called quarter horses?”

“You have to give them a quarter to make them go,” Jim interjected, with a smirk on his face.

“He really needs help,” Rose Ann replied.

“I’ve tried all my life,” Sherry retorted. “No hope for him, though.”

The laughter seemed to be short lived as the invading presence of the empty space caught everyone’s attention. Clearing his throat, Shawn added, “Rose Ann. I hope your stay here is enjoyable. We’ll do everything we can to make it productive, as well.”

“Why, thank you. May I help you do the dishes, Sherry,” Rose Ann responded, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

“Oh, thanks, but Shawn and I have something to discuss. Why don’t you and Jim enjoy the night sky from our back porch? We’ll join you shortly.”

* * *

“Two handsome men? You were referring to Shawn and Jason, I presume.” Jim needed a way to “lighten up,” as he tried to handle the significance of the empty space at the table.

“Oh, dream on ... Hm ... The two most handsome guys I’ve ever seen in my life,” Rose Ann teased.

“Well, now. You haven’t noticed another handsome man? That would make it ... three ... handsome men.”

“There are three men here, aren’t there?”

“Counselor, you’re challenging my ego, you know.”

“Well, in case your ego is really interested, tell it that handsome sometimes goes very deep,” Rose Ann said, as their faces moved closer together.

“You mean, not just to look at?”

“Not just to look at but to genuinely admire.”

The consummation of their conversation was interrupted by a sniffle and sudden hard intake of breath. Jason stood directly in front of them, tears flooding his face. His countenance suggested that he was desirous of something that went deeper than words could express. Rose Ann motioned for him to come closer. She picked him up and sat him in her lap, with his head laying against her chest.

After a long silence, Jason pleaded, “ Ms. Rose Ann. Can you help Jimmy?”

HEY! and don't forget to e-mail Roy E. Proctor if you have a comment! He would really like to hear from you.

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