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Chapter 1

© Copyright 2006 by Roy E. Proctor

James R. Watkins. a brilliant District Attorney, campaigned successfully on a platform to clean up the drug business in the area of town known as Ashbury Heights. His teams performed their jobs well and infiltrated the organization that polluted the youth of the area. They gathered names in the network of greedy people who made millions from the addiction of others.

The sound of the police sirens, and the resultant arrests, would make James R. Watkins. a famous man. Many parents would be grateful to this crusader of justice for building the most brilliant investigative machine the city had ever known. Many of his cohorts urged him to run for governor, as the incumbent faced investigation by the Federal Grand Jury for corruption and graft.

This investigation, however, was the most painful one that James R. Watkins could remember. The leader of the drug cartel was none other than Jimmy Watkins, his only son. He agonized over his decision to complete the procedures and bring his own son to justice.

“Look, Jim,” his lawyers counseled. “We can cover all this up concerning Jimmy. Why not let us hang this charge on someone else? I’ll put my sharpest man on this to work behind the scenes and no one will ever know the difference. Of course, it will take some doing and a lot of money, but, hey, it’s your son we’re talking about here. Deal?

The decision to prosecute was obvious, as the Lord chose Jim to be a crusader for justice. Jimmy was placed under arrest and taken to a Juvenile Detention Center.

HEY! and don't forget to e-mail Roy E. Proctor if you have a comment! He would really like to hear from you.

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