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|Novella Ministries|
Submission Guidelines
How to Submit
Why to Submit
Contributing Authors
(in brief)
Short Stories
Rev. Dan White
A Christmas Miracle
Yvonne Oshiobugie
New Eyes
Beauty in Winter
Rachel Rossano
The Call
Joe Swope
Earnest Regret
Sarah Braughman
An Old Manored Love
A Man Like Mr. Darcy
Tammie Jackson
Rainbow's End
Rachel Brown
A Priceless Exchange
Freely You Have Received

More from Rachel @
Rachel Waspe
Gift From Above
In God's Way
If I opened...
The Greatest Gift
Christmas is a Time to Love
A Time to Keep Silence
Jan G. Madden
Olivia's Smile
Karen O'Leary
The Raid
Sharing Halloween
The Way Back
Charlotte Ann Zuzak
Angel on the Interstate
Old Porches and Homemade Bread
Hymns and Motorcycles
Lily and Jesse
Rowen's Diner
Message Delivered
Cherished Connections
The New Path
Marsha Smith
When First I Met You
Roy E. Proctor
A Father's Discipline
Kendra Cornell
Right to Refuge
Charlotte and Tianna Jacques
Coming Soon:
Blossuming Peril
Dr. Ley
Self Preservation
Tianna Jacques
Joy For Christmas
CK Allen
Drama Queen
Diana Mylek
Hook, Line and Sinker
Lock, Stock and Barrel
Larry Powers
Going Home
Eliza Marie
Cupid's Boomerang
Kimberly Jones
Unconditional Love
Sara Krapensk
The Rescue
Savannah Anderson
New Fallen Snow
Roi Allen
Some 7000 Sunrises
Patient Love
Debbi Cardullo
The Garden
Maeg Brorman
Closer To You, 2/26/02
Protection of Your Work
I know it's hard to put your writing up on the Internet! It's your baby, your heart, and in someways, your friend. However, left alone in a file for no one to read ... well, where's the value of that? There are several protections in placing your site on the Internet:

You will give me a statement in submission that this is your individual work. Anything, by International Copyright, that was written by you remains yours until 50 years after your death. To Further protect yourself, either go through the official copyright process or email yourself a copy of your work and don't open it. The postmark date is what's important!

I place a copyright code on all pages; on my own in my name, on a guest writer in theirs (or yours, hopefully)

Newer pages are being equipt with a no select copy feature, so it will not be as easy to copy/paste.

Hopefully these safegaurds will minimize your concerns. After all, God gave you the talent to write--now let Him use your talent to reach others.
Reasons to Submit
Writing sitting around, unpublished.

Let people know of your previous or upcoming work/website.

Reach people around the world, on different continents.

Release yourself from the feeling of having to find the right nitch, time or place for your work.

Release yourself from the feeling of having to write for money.

Use your writing to light "useful" fires.

Add to what is good and right and free on the internet.

Let people see your writing from beginning to end, and not just a single chapter.

These have been summed up from the complete Top Ten Reasons to publish to the Internet located on the Novella Ministries page.
Wish/Prayer List
For more writers to be willing to offer their writing.

"Holiday" or seasonal stories~beyond Christmas. I really would like to have a New Years Eve, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Summer Vacation, Fall, Spring ... you get the idea.

More complete Novels/novellas submitted. I still put the chapters up one at a time, but they are able to be put up faster that way.

That people would grow and fall deeper in love with the Lord by the stories on this site.

Daily prayer and encouragement for the ministry potential ... and for those God touches.
Some of the
graphics are by:
Mission Statement

To promote and build a library of family friendly fiction--with values that exemplify the teachings and walk of Christ--for people to read on the web, by maintaining MoreThanNovellas and by promoting the work of both authors and webmasters who are called to the same purpose.

If you would like my personal motivation for doing this, please read the completely enthralling (I'm sure) History of More Than Novellas or look over the Novella Ministries page. Also, I recently did an interview with

I believe with all my heart that More Than Novellas is a ministry. I believe that God can directly influence people through the stories.

Note: This is not a paying e-zine. In fact, I don't even think of it as an e-zine, but a home for fiction with many rooms ... kind of like a library.

Submission Guidelines
A long time ago (it seems like forever ago~2000) I had to make a decision as to what I would put on this site~over time I've had to become more selective. My reasons for this is because there are other sites avalible for testimony, children's stories, allegories, most sci-fi, fantasy and ~most~ poetry (I do accept some). If your submission falls into one of these catagories, please email me and I will point you into many wonderful directions.

Look around the website and see what's going on. You should get a good feel for it. Of course, you can always ask.

The story does not have to be distinctly Christian, but must represent Christian values: clean, wholesome, fun ....

The story must have a plot~adventure, romance, friendship, etc. This means character development, setting, rising action, climax and falling action.

Must follow True Love Waits and preferably Lady in Waiting (a book) values. If you can't understand the meaning by the titles, again you can ask ;). Please be aware of, an pray about, how love and affection is shown ...

It is important to remember that while most of the readers are adults, some that come through might be children. I do ask you to consider the audience and pray over anything that may be ... impressionable.

For the poets out there ... I have limited submissions to romantic poetry. Why? Because there are ~so many~ poetry sites out there. By romantic it can be romantic between man and woman or between us and God.

Please do not submit a story you have posted elsewhere on the web. If people run across similar stories over and over they stop looking.

The author keeps the rights to all stories. I will place your e-mail, website, etc along with your story and I will create a graphic for you. Just look around the website and see what's going on.

How to Submit

I've tried and tried to make this into a professional looking form, but I figure this is still just as easy for you. Please follow these guidelines.
  • Email me your story as an attatchment. I have Word, WordPerfect, and Wordpad works as well. Copy/paste the following information and include it in the body of the email (or just include it in the body of the email):
    • Your Name:
    • Your Email:
    • "I have read and understand the guidelines and mission statement" (yes/no):
    • "I am 18 years of age or older, or have permission from my parent/gaurdian." (yes/no):
    • "I understand that the guidelines for this site lean on the values of True Love Waits and Lady in Waiting." (yes/no):
    • Do you want your email with your submission (yes/no):
    • website:
    • Name you want as author (pseudonym):
    • Title:
    • I understand that by submitting this piece, I am stating that it is my own work (type your name):
    • Previously published work that can be listed or a short author's biography:

Note: It is very important that I receive this information directly so that I have validation as well as an understanding of how to place information. Thanks!