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Also — some things aren't agape items — they are ideas that people had about what to do with the agape they received or the other stuff they received on their Walk.

Pictures are available upon request, please email me with your email address and your snail mail address (in case there are problems). Or if you wish to send us a blank CD-R or CD-RW we could make you a CD with all the pictures. Most pictures are in groups. * a Hershey's kiss on a small card that says "a good night kiss" and has a scripture about sleeping peacefully because God is watching over you.

* a mint taped to a small card that says "God's Love is mint for you"

* a small piece of sponge (bright colored kitchen sponge cut into small pieces) taped on a card that says "Soak up God's Love"

* cut cardstock into business-card size pieces with various colorful, inspirational messages or scriptures and pictures. If have computer/color inkjet printer- you can print these out easily and then use papercutter to cut cardstock. Can be laminated with the self-laminating sheets before cuttting, can get a roll of strip magnet (see your hobby store) and cut off 1/2 inch pieces and put on back of card to make a magnet card that will stick to a frig or file cabinet.

* stick of gum taped to a card that says "Choose (chews) Jesus"

* out of brightly colored cloth, sew small (perhaps 6x8") bags (drawstring top is nice) that are large enough to hold the purple book plus nametag plus lanyard plus small notebook - this can be used to hold everything that one takes to Reunion group or to a Gathering or to Candlelight and keep it together - then you can just grab the little bag and go and have all the Emmaus things you need at these events.

* Now & Later candy taped to a card that reads" Jesus Now and Later"

* buy one zigsaw puzzle - and then glue one piece of the puzzle to a card that says "Jesus is the missing piece in your life"

We use Airhead candy, and write..Don't be an Airhead, listen to Jesus. We staple this candy to half a piece of bright paper. Our master paper has 2 agapes to it, so when we make 1 copy it really has 2 pieces of agape. I don't know if this is clear, but it's a quick, inexpensive way to show someone you care.

We get Kool-aid the little packs, and on a piece of paper write something like "Let Jesus be the cool aid in your life." Then we have our reunion group name on it.

We' ve used this idea in two women's walks now and they're very well received as well as inexpensive.

You'll need: -- floral tape (1 roll covers 100+pens)
-- assorted "cheap" brightly colored silk flowers with stems cut to about 3 inches
-- Paper-Mate type pens (black ink looks better because the bottom 3/4" of
the pen is usually black, too, and doesn't clash with the green tape)

1. Place the flower stem next to the pen with the flower/leaves as close the the top of the pen as possible. (You'll probably need to slide some of the leaves "up" the stem until they're touching the flower, first.)
2. Wrap the stem and pen together with the tape, spiraling down the pen.
3. When you get to the end of the stem, roll some extra layers of tape around it so that its wire doesn't work through. (This is another reason to be sure your stems aren't so long that they "end" where your hand would be holding it when you write.)

My friend and I did over 60 in 15 minutes the other day while watching a volleyball game. ENJOY!!!

My wife puts two Hershey's Hugs and the following in a sandwich bag:

Why God
was meant to share
God's all-abiding
love and care
He saw that we
would need to know
A way to let
these feelings show.
So God made hugs --
a special sign,
And symbol of
His love divine,
A circle of
our open arms
To hold in love
and keep out harm.
One simple hug
can do its part
To warm and cheer
another's heart.
A hug's a bit
of heaven above
That signifies
His perfect love.
Jill Wolf

I print them eight to an 8-1/2 x 11 inch page and she cuts them up into the small strips.

One of my favorites is a take-off on the word DeColores! I take a Crayola brand crayon, make a slip of paper w/the scripture: "For now we are all children of God... Galatians 3:26" on it and instead of DeColores underneath, I put DeCrayola! That's followed by my reunion group name and my city. This was sent to me by friends in NM after I went on my walk and I've adopted it for use around here, you're more than welcome to it if you want to use it. It's quite inexpensive, a 96 box of crayons is less than $4 around here, and I buy the assorted pastel colored paper to run off the scripture, etc, in my printer.

One of the funniest (and cheapest!) was a Q-tip taped on >a >card that says: "OPEN OUR EARS, LORD" (and help ups to listen. Open our >ears, >Lord, we want to see Jesus."

Another one was a brown paper lunch bag >that >had written on the front: "GOD BAG".....underneath is says 1. Create a >crisis >(if you already have one, skip step 1) 2. Write it down 3. Open bag >4. >insert crisis 5. close bag 6. Let go and let God under that is >says "WARNINGG; "the DISCIPLE GENERAL has determined that "taking things >back" is hazardous to your spiritual health.

I put this one first since it is my favorite from last week-end. It was used as a place mat, but could be used as door agape (which is how I'm going to use it) or as just general agape. Now I can't DRAW this one to show it to you, so you'll have to let God help you but it is a powerful agape. It is simply a butterfly with the WINGS......get this......SANDALS. I am going to barely color the wings with highlight pens. It says" Not to be served, but to serve".

2. a plastic airplane that says: "FLY HIGH WITH GOD"

3. I drew a lamb sleeping on a bed snoring with a blanket covering him with the Walk # on the blanket. This is darling bed agape that the pilgrims loved. You attach a Hershey's kiss and write: "A KISS GOOD-NIGHT"

4. This next one is daughter loved this one and it is so simple and neat. Go to the bride's section of any craft store and find the the fake little wedding rings. Attach one to a piece of paper and type: "YOU ARE A BRIDE OF CHRIST"

5. A plastic frog with this attached: F (fully) R (relying) O (on) G (God)

6. Two Hershey's kisses with an angel picture attached saying simply : "ANGEL KISSES"

7. The poem "TOO BUSY" (the "letter from God") typed on Laser RAINBOW paper (Wal-mart carries this).

8. Another one of my favorites: A piece of towel stapled to the letter about "the Order of the Towel" See below.

9. Some STARBURST and a piece of gum in a tiny baggie saying: "CHEWS" you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." (Josshua 2:4-15)

10.Go to someplace like Wal-mart and get the SMILEY erasers. Attach to a piece of paper and write: IF YOU SEE SOMEONE WITHOUT A SMILE, JUST GIVE HIM ONE OF YOURS

11. The poem "Jesus from A-Z".. See below.

12. The good ole prayer rock

13. The "MINT" poem....( I "MINT"......) with mint attached

14. The GOD BAG.....this is cute and cheap.....Brown paper bag with cute label on front : GOD BAG...1.Create a crisis (if you already have one , skip step 1) 2. write it down 3. open bag 4. insert crisis 5. close bag 6. let go and let God .....WARNING: The DISCIPLE GENERAL has determined that "taking things back" is hazardous to your SPIRITUAL health

, to take those little plastic fish ( we have some cheap at the local christian store ) and write "Be fishers of men."

We do a similar thing with giant brass fishooks that have been bent so they can be clipped on a hat brim or lapel. Other things that we have done is use the little packs of Skittles candy with a sticker that says "Taste the rainbow of God's love" Also (more for the guys) we've spray painted nuts (the hardware kind, not the kind you eat) in rainbow colors and put them onto a key chain with a card that says "NUTTIN' but love"

All three have gone over real well in our community.


A--Abiding Vine-John 15:4
B--Bridgroom--Ephesians 5:32
C--Creator--Colossians 1:16
D--Deity--John 10:30
E--Everlasting Life--John 3:16
F--Faithful Friend--I Corinthians 1:9
G--Good Shepherd--John 10-11
H--Hiding Place--Psalm 32:7
I--Image of the Invisible God--Colossians 1:15
J--Joy Unspeakable--I Peter 1:8
K--King of Kings--I Timothy 6:15
L--Lord of Glory--I Corinthians 2:8
M--Merciful Mediator--Hebrews 2:17
N--Never-ending Love--Jeremiah 31:3
O--Omnipotent One--Revelation 19:6
P--Prince of Peace--Isaiah 9:6
Q--Quieter of Fears--Proverbs 1:33
R--Rock of Salvation--I Corinthians 10:4
S--Sacrificial Lamb--John 1:29
T--The Truth--John 14:6
U--Understanding Guide--Proverbs 3:5,6
V--Victorious Warrior-I John 5:4
W--Word of Life--I John 1:1
EXalted Name above ALL Names--Ephesians 2:12
Y--Your Only Hope--Ephesians 2:12
Z--Zion's Messiah--Isaiah 55:11


(write our John 13:2-5)

He took a towel. HE did that! God incarnate took a towel and performed the task invariably assigned to some slave. And that, EVEN THAT, was not the final depth of humility to which He stooped. For, bearing our sin and atoning for our guilt, the Man with a towel became the Man on the tree in a self-humbling which baffles our comprehension. Take this small piece of towel and put it in your wallet or billfold. Carry it with you everywhere. Look at it daily for the first few weeks after you voluntarily join the highest and noblest of all fraternities, the ORDER OF THE TOWEL. Do that, if you are able to do it sincerely. Let the towel motivate you to follow the example of our God who humbled Himself not only to wash the feet of His disciples but to wash away our sin with His own blood on the cross. (this from a reunion group in Bakersfield, Calif)

Prayer Rock

I'm your little prayer rock
And this is what I'll do
Just put me on your pillow
Till the day is through.
Then turn back the covers
And climb into bed,
And WHACK, your little prayer rock
WIll hit you on the head!
Then you will remember
As the day is through
To kneel and say your prayers
As you wanted all the day to do.
Then when you are finished
Just dump me on the floor!
I'll stay there thro the night-time
To give you help once more.
When you get up the next morning
CLUNK! I'll stub your toe
So you will remember
Your morning prayers before you go.
Put me back upon your pillow
when your bed is made,
And your clever little prayer rock
Will continue in your aid.
Because your heavenly Father
Cares and loves you so,
He wants you uto remember
To talk to Him, you know.

someone had posted the a-z Jesus poem (which I loved) and i think we are going to use it in a bag of Alphabits cereal :)

I just got this poem today and thought these might be good agape ideas... maybe with a little of product mentioned or a copy of their symbol on a card with the saying? Just an idea :)

What God is just a little like

God is a little like General Electric
He lights your path

God is a little like Bayer Aspirin
He works wonders.

God is a little like Hallmark Cards
He cared enough to send the very best.

God is a little like Tide
He gets out the stains that others leave behind.

God is a little like VO-5 Hair Spray
He holds through all kinds of weather.

God is a little like Dial Soap
Aren't you glad you know Him?
Don't you wish everyone did?

God is a little like Sears
He has everything.

God is a little like Alka Seltzer
Oh, what a relief He is!

God is a little like Scotch Tape
You can't see Him but you know He's there!

God is a little like The Copper Top Battery
Nothing can outlast him.

God is a little like American Express
Don't leave home without Him!


I just love all these ideas! We all can remember how much the agape = meant to us on our walks. Here's an idea that I shared with the = pilgrims on the last walk that I worked on:

What do we do with all that agape? I bought a 30 inch grapevine wreath = & hot-glued it all on. It is the first thing that I see in the morning = which is a good thing being as I'm NOT a morning person. It's just a = constant reminder of my walk.


wreath idea cool!! What I did was got a large 3 ring binder with a see thru cover ---put the group photo and table photo onside --then got those cleare plastic sheet protectors and placed each letter that i recieved and even the prayer letter & conformation letter I recieved before my walk... then I took the all the agape and taped into these sheet protectors -taped them to the plastic so you can see front and back --was going to put them on colored paper but decided that wouldn't work coz some of the things were signed on the backs anyway it holds everything nicely and on those down days I can grab my note book and relive those first days!!! also keep my purple book and name tag inthere so I don't loose them!!!LOL

The Savior's Words

If you never felt pain,
Then how would you know that I'm a Healer?

If you never went through difficulty,
How would you know that I'm a Deliverer?

If you never had a trial,
How could you call yourself an overcomer?

If you never felt sadness,
How would you know that I'm a Comforter?

If you never made a mistake,
How would you know that I'm Forgiving?

If you knew all,
How would you know that I will answer your questions?

If you never were in trouble,
How would you know that I will come to your rescue?

If you never were broken,
Then how would you know that I can make you whole?

If you never had a problem,
How would you know that I can solve them?

If you never had suffering,
Then how would you know what I went through?

If you never went through the fire,
Then how can you become pure?

If I gave you all things,
How would you appreciate them?

If I never corrected you,
How would you know that I love you?

If you had all power,
Then how would you learn to depend on me?

If your life was perfect,
Then what would you need Me for?

cut a piece of seam binding tape, affix to card..."bind" us together in love

affix a drinking straw to card..John 4:14, "whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst"

got this one from an emmaus friend in texas....psalm 51:10 "create in me a pure (clean) heart, o God" stapled to the individually packaged wash 'n dry towelettes

glue a penny to a card.....Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth... Matthew 6:19a

**** Key chains are good for men.

Also, I've seen this done:

On a 3x5 card, or whatever you decide on, use duct-tape to tape a nail to the card. The caption reads "Men use duct-tape to fix everything, God used nails."

Another thing that's good for men or women is:

Dove Promises chocolate candy with the caption "God's promises are true."

1. Goldfish crackers in a snack-size ziploc bag with the verse about being "fishers of men".
2. A large fish hook on a piece of paper with the same verse.
3. A bottle of water with the verse about Jesus being the "water of life".
4. A small piece of brightly colored sponge taped on a card that says "Soak Up God's Love"
5. A piece of a jigsaw puzzle taped to a card that says "Jesus is the missing piece in your life"

Here's a few "quick and easy" and inexpensive ideas: Ear Plugs (because not all noises are joyful.) These are a standard in our community.
A battery with note that says "Let Jesus be your energizer."
The 3Amigos happened upon a great deal on sewing kits (hotel size). We put on a note that says "Be prepared to Get Repaired." I was surprised at how much the guys like these.
We've done fans - not hard - get paper with a rainbow on it and print "Join the Jesus Fan Club" on it.
Cut heart shape out of paper and put a small horizontal slit at the top and the bottom of heart. Slide this onto a pencil. Very cute.
A book of matches with a note or sticker that says "you are the light of the world."
There is a company - Oriental Trading Company that sells a wide variety of stuff fairly cheap. Their web site is TeacherCentral.Com. or call 1-800-246-8400 for a catalog.
We've considered yo-yos because God is there through all our ups and downs.

I have an idea-it may be corny- get a piece of candy that is chewy-like Star Bursts or carmel-Use the Bible verse in Joshua 24 where Joshua tells the Hebrews as for me and my family we will choose God for whom we serve-put on the paper with the candy attached and say "Chews God."
Another idea, get colored tootpicks- PICK Jesus; and put it on a piece of paper.
Get a package of Life Savers that are individually wrapped and say Jesus is the true Lifesaver.
They are simple and very easy to do. The idea of Oriental Trading is good also. My reunion group uses them quite frequently.

One agape gift I received on a walk was a bookmark made on a computer with great graphics and scripture and laminated. I use it every day.
Another one was wallpaper with hand done calligraphy and then laminated.
It had the walk # and the scripture on it and helps for pilgrim's to remember the walk # and dates later on.

a Band-Aid on a card printed with "Jesus binds up the broken-hearted."

Cards printed with graphics that say "Someone prayed for you today!" I like to put these on the beds Friday night because they have been told about the prayer vigil, etc.

the "Jesus Loves You" bracelets from Oriental Trading on a card with the bracelet on the top and underneath the words "this I know for the Bible told me so."

small bottles of water with appropriate verses about the "river of life" etc.

packets of Alka-Selzter with a card that reads "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, Oh what a relief HE is."

Andes chocolate mints with cards that say "Emmaus is a mountaintop experience."

Cards that say, "Knowing and Loving Jesus just makes " ". (with a bright, shiny new penny stuck in the space with double-stick tape.) just makes "cents", get it? haha

Go to a craft store and buy a roll if magnetic tape, the necessary number of one-inch round wooden diccs (flat), and rainbow, sun(son)flower, or other appropriate stickers. Put a small piece of magnet on one side of the disc and the magnet on the other and presto, it's a fridge magnet. Or you could even glue a sunflower seed to the disc and attach a card with the parable of the seeds. Personally, I like the Oriental Trading Post idea, but this is less expensive and hand made.

I printed out business cards that said "Let... the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God... sharpen your life." Ephesians 6:17 and attached a plastic cocktail sword.
I also used business cards and printed out one that said "Coupon Good for one free hug from God whenever you need it. Keep this in your wallet and read daily!"
Our community seems to love to make music (noise) during their walks - I shop at the discount party stores and pick up flutes, clappers, or any other instrument and print out labels that say "Make a joyful noise!" or "Praise the Lord with music!"

I got a compass that says "If you need direction in life, 'come pass' the time with Jesus!"
Also, little rolls of paper with cute stories or good poems and such works well.
Some of my favorite agape were a few strands of colored ribbon tied together for a bookmark. They have a butterfly bead at the top.
I also got a plastic spoon that says "Dig into Jesus."
One more thing: I got a peice of paper with a rock on it and a tootsie roll pop. "Rock and roll with Jesus." I just thought that was cute. I have tons more if you need more ideas.

A nail taped to a card which reads "Men fix everything with duct tape. God used nails."
Alka Seltzer taped to a card with reads "Plop, plop, Fizz, fizz. Oh what a relief Jesus is."
Small bars of soap with label that says "To get really clean, Choose Jesus.'
Small maps (you can make one up) folded with the words "For real directions, Go to God!" on the outside of the map.
Small toy compasses with a card taht says "God will show you the right directon."
Yo-yos with a tag or label that says "God will see you through all life's ups and downs."

> More projects include-a rock that is big enough to write on it and say Jesus > is the Rock with a rainbow painted on it;
a Tootsie Roll or a Starburst > candy and refer to the scripture Joshua 24 where Joshua said As for me and > my household we choose God- put the candy on the back of the paper and say > "Chews God!",
pens or pencils with WWJD,
a Colored toothpick on a sheet of > paper and say PICK JESUS,
a band-aid on a sheet of paper and say Jesus heals > our boo-boos.
These are easy and not very expensive. > > reply to Kimberly's question about using > > > purchased agape items I > > > must say we have had plenty of those on the walks > > > that I have worked. On > > > those walks I have either worked on the agape team > > > or in the conference > > > room. Some things we had were little cars with tags > > > attached that said "Do > > > you have the drive for Jesus", Small plastic rulers > > > that have the label > > > about the golden rule. Bible verse erasers attached > > > to a card that said > > > something regarding Christ erasing our sins, there > > > are dozens that use > > > Hershey's hugs or kisses, there are the 911 or > > > emergency numbers (Bible > > > verses that apply to certain problems) typed on a > > > paper, done up as a > > > scroll, etc. Bookmarks, the inexpensive ones > > > purchased in packages of 10 or > > > those made on the computer using the theme for the > > > walk. Plastic canvas > > > cross-stitched roosters, rainbows involving God's > > > promises and covenants.

Subject: Re: first talk visuals
From: "Tommy & Leslie Cohen"
Christine, I just completed my 3rd teaming experience and gave my 1st weekend talk = (Christian Action). This is a talk that you can do alot with visuals. = I think that pilgrims often get tired of poster after poster. So, I = took an actual cross in a stand as my visual. I used the white drape = for the "ressurection" focus, and led my talk in the direction of "take = up your cross". I also made agape to be handed out during the talk. I = bought small masonry nails, hotglued them into a cross, tied white = ribbon around the center to secure it, and glued a pin attachment to the = back. During the talk, I had each person hold the cross in the palm of = their hand and close their eyes. I had them focus on all that Christ = had done for us and that we could do no less than to follow His example. = The group found it VERY effective and I truly received God's spirit and = blessing through this specific idea. It is also a great follow up to = the concept of dying moments, since it is the first talk that follows = that ceremony. May God's peace be with you as you prepare for this = important calling.

Easy sweets filled with nuts and marshmallows

1)Put two 6-oz or one 12-oz Jumbo pkg (2 C) NESTLE'S Semi-sweet Chocolate Morsel's and 1 C Evaporated Milk into a heavy 1-qt saucepan. Stir over low heat until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat.

2) Mix well in a 3-qt bowl, 3 C fine Vanilla Wafer Crumbs, 2 C Miniature Marshmallows, 1 C broken Nuts, 1C sifted Powdered Sugar and ½ tsp salt.

3) Reserve ½ C of chocolate mixture for glaze. Stir the rest into crumb mixture until well blended. Press evenly into a well-greased, 9-inch square pan.

4) Stir 2 tsp Evaporated Milk into reserved ½ C of chocolate mixture until smooth. Spread evently over mixture in pan. Chill until glaze is set, cut into about 36 squares.

Cheese-Marmalade Turnovers

1 stick butter
6 oz. Sharp cheese spread
1 cup AP flour
½ jar orange marmalade.

Mix first 3 ingredients together until ball is formed. Cover and chill for 1 hour. Roll out to 1/8" thickness. Using 2 3/4" cutter, cut out circles. Put ½ tsp. of marmalade on each center. Fold over and crimp with fork. Stick fork in top once. Bake at 350 degrees until barely brown. Cool on rack. Makes about 2 ½ doz.
