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*to ChRiStInA's WorLD!!!*
E~mAiL mE!*~*~*LoCaTe Me!
WeLcOmE!! =)
Hola everyone! OK I was gettin soooo many complaints about my background, i decided to change it. People kept sayin it was too bright and stuff but, anyway~Welcome to my page! There's only 1 rule...that's: PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! =) If u sign mine, i'll DEFINITELY sign yours! Oh yeah, if that lil pop~up ad thing is getting on ur nerves, just press the close button on it instead of pressing the "X". If u do that, it shouldn't pop up anymore. I wish I didnt have to have it there but ahhhh! u know the rules..LOL. Anyway, I just got a new layout (it's about time!~lol) & i'm still updating a little, but it's pretty much done! I got a new background too, so my site has totally changed...but it needed a change~! Anyway hope u have fun @ my page! =). ENJOY!!! <3 always, *Christina* P.S.~If u have any quotes that u think should be a quote of the week (below),e~mail them to me! i would really appreciate it!~Thanx =)

QuOtE oF tHe WeEk: "Nothing is more painful than realizing he means EVERYTHING to u & u mean NOTHING to him!" <~~ so true!
*Remember, u can't leave without signing my guestbook*...hehe,THANX =)
SiGn My GuEsTbOoK, pLeAsE! =)
WOW!~don't u feel special? u are the
person to visit my page!! hehe =)~
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