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My Thank You's to...

I would like to recognize the following people for their influence on me
or for their contributions in the completion of this site,
and to extend my gratitude to them

The following list of people are people who have had the most profound and lasting influence on my life.
If I listed everyone that has ever had an impact on me, my list would last forever.
Please excuse me if I've left anyone out,it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you and the things you've done for me


My Daddy
My great grandmother
My beautiful baby sister, Piglet
My step mother
My father's middle brother
and his wife


Linda Emanuel
Dr. Andrew Poor
James Bradley


and family
Gilbert Vazquez
and family
Nick Shockey
Eilene DuBose
Corinne Thompson
Justin Fackler
and family
Keith Thomas
Jenna Gettmen
and family
the love of life, Chris Medford
and family
Will Hearn

The Literati Society
The Big Red Jazz Machine
Tony Fort
Erin Chupp

Website art and graphics

My Poetry
About Celticpandora
Ruby Red Pix
Celticpandora Rants