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Here are some of my cute baby pictures I'd like to share with you.

I was born on October 13, 2001. It was a tough birth, because one of my FAT sisters (or maybe my brother) got stuck and my Grandma Barbara had to rush my Dogmom into the vet for a C-section. But we all survived and soon we were healthy and strong.

My people-parents are Wayne & Trish James - I just call them Mom & Dad. They think I'm awfully cute and keep following me around with the camera.

Here I am with my Uncle Avis. He's a Standard Poodle. I have lots of aunts and uncles because Mom & Dad do something called "rescue" and there's lots of dogs in my house.

I've got lots of toys, and a big bed to hide under. I like to hide under the bed and grab Mom's ankles when she walks by.

The other night, we watched "Dumbo the Elephant." Have you ever seen it? Well, I know that my ears are bigger than his, and if he can fly, I certainly should be able to!

Well, maybe if I get a running start...

Hey! Look, I found a pond!

My yard has the best tasting sticks in town. Want to try one?

I know there's not a bird here, but sometimes I point at any ol' thing.

It's a tough job being cute, and sometimes you just have to lay down & rest.