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Well, my name is Emily, and I am a semi-single mother to a DARLING little girl! Her name is Molly Elizabeth. I am a lucky, lucky person to have such a cute, adorable, sweet, angel baby! Anyway, this is my website! Not the best, I admit, but I'm trying! Hope you enjoy the site and be SURE and look at the beautiful pictures of my little Molly! Feel free to write us and tell us how adorable she is! LOL =)

Look At This stuff, Its Pretty Cool...

~~~ See pictures of my newborn Molly Elizabeth, she's so sweet!
~~~Visit The People Whom I dont Hate
~~~These are some pictures of my friends and family, they're great!
~~~See pictures of the one and only Miss World, Courtney Love!
~~~My Ballerina Pictures!
~~~My Pregnant Pictures!
~~~Awesome Pix Of the Sweetest Wild Child :Drew Barrymore!

Things I like and things I loathe:
