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Welcome to Dos Bandidos!!

Step into the old southwestern style building located just west of town for a night of good food, good music and good company. "Dos Bandidos", (spanish for two bandits) might be just what your looking for to kick back and relax with friends. Or if alone, is a good place to seek new acquaintances. It welcomes all travelers to the Lands of Ridian and hopes to offer the best in southwestern hospitility.

It's rich decor of wood, tiles, earthtones and Navajo printed rugs welcome the weariest of travelers into the warmth of it's walls. Two fully stocked bars to either end of the giant lounge offers an 'at home' feel, so come on in and kick back in front of the fire and enjoy a drink or two, maybe a taste of something from the kitchen, offering the best Spanish cuisine in the land. Ranging from chips and salsa to the whole enchilada. There's something on the menu to sate the biggest appetite, I'm sure. And, our house magaritias and daiquiris are made from the freshest of fruits and tequila, not to mention the infamous "Tequila Sunrises".

And what abode wouldn't be complete without a watering hole? This one offers a full size swimming pool that's heated and lighted for those nights when a swim is craved. Deck offers an array of tables to enjoy the evening even more on those warmer nights. Patio party reservations are also being taken for those perfect evenings when something different is in order. Dos Bandidos also offers catering with the parties that are booked, as well out of the Inn. Contact Trixie for further information.

And for those evenings when you need a roof over your head and a cozy bed to park those boots under, the Inn offers the best in luxury accomidations at an affordable rate. Each of the 15 rooms comes with a private bath, king size bed, and it's own fire place, plus around the clock room service. Ask about the honeymoon suite, two rooms within one that has a private Jacuzzi for the happy couple to lounge in adjacent to the over sized master bedroom. A night to truely remember just awaiting you.

This Lands of Ridian site
owned by Trixie

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