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In loving memory of brandon layton a former member of shell(now kill the author) who died at 10:00 pm on feb. 28th in a fatl car accident...this world will be less of a place with out him...

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News & Updates

02/26/03 - Read This - The people who bring you the best two websites ever to be seen in the Augusta area are going to work together and bring you one bigger and better website. This new website will have everything you've ever imagined. But first, this is where you guys come in. We need a name for the website. Send in your ideas for a name to with NAME in the subject line. If we pick your idea as the site's new name you will receive a special prize. And trust me, it's really nice...haha. So send in your ideas and maybe we'll pick you.

02/26/03 - Poll/News - Wow. That didn't work out like I planned. The poll was supposed to only let you vote once but it didn't work. And at the most this site has gotten like 4 or 500 hits in like a week or two. There was 2000 votes or something. didn't work but its all good. Something new is coming for you guys. I don't know how long it will be before its up...but it will be way better than what you see here.

02/17/03 - Show - Thanks to everyone who came out to the show last saturday. It was a good show. Thanks to all the bands who played. A special thanks to Son of a Bitch and Andrew Powledge for their special appearances. They were both really good and I look forward to hearing more from them in the future. Pictures are coming in the next few days thanks to the new photographer, Jessica B. and reviews should be up soon by Lil' Stevie V. Check back for all the goodies. Support the scene.

01/28/03 - Update - Well the site is back. I'm just gonna leave most things like they used to be because I don't have time to redo the whole thing. But things will be a little different. Like the shows page. You may have noticed that theres a section for Augusta and for Columbia. There will also be more sections for any cities I feel like adding. And any shows that could worth going to. The pictures should be coming soon. But thats up to you guys to contribute. I don't have the time to go to every show and take tons of pictures to scan and put up here. And anyways I see you guys out there at the shows with you cameras taking pictures. Scan them and send them to me. You'll get the credit for anything you send in. And reviews I'd like to find a few people to do reviews somewhat regularly. If anyone wants to do it e-mail me. You can do reviews of local shows or CDS or whatever you want to do a review of. I'm gonna start working on interviews too. So send stuff in. Send me show dates. And come out the shows.

Since 12/28/01