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Five by Five
Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Five Images Found via a Google Image Search for "Andy"
A man and his ass (insert comment about that being my favorite body part here).

Oy. Is he a vampire?

That is quite frankly the scariest Raggedy Andy ever.

Okay, I could only find three good ones (well, besides the two of a dominatrix apparently whipping a guy named Andy). The last name!

Ah yes, the longlost relative who created the Periodic Table.

Oh yeah. Play that jazz and that cowboy stuff.

Five'd by Andy at 1:11 AM EDT
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Friday, April 2, 2004
Five Favorite T-Shirts
Now Playing: Disc two of the Essential Springsteen
(in no particular order - Hurricane shirt excluded due to no photo available)

1: Free Natalie

This would be a shirt given out at on stops during the last Dixie Chicks tour ("Top of the World Tour"? I've forgotten already) to crew members and such. I snagged mine off of eBay. The front is a reference to all of the backlash of Natalie saying what she did about Senor Bush. The back has been on the last two or three Chicks tour crew shirts.

2: Folk it up!

This is a sentimental favorite. It was given to me as a surprise gift last year, and it's been a favorite shirt ever since. Part of that's because of who gave it to me, and part of that is because it's a freakin' cool shirt. Even the spot where I spilled bleach on it doesn't take away from it.

3: Ralph Wiggum's sayings

I don't wear this one much, just because it's black and black shirts are hot. I don't see how the goth crowd does it here in south Georgia. There's Ralph and some of his many sayings. The only thing that would make it cooler would be to have my all-time favorite Ralph quote on it (see my AIM away message most nights when I'm asleep).

4: Yeah buddy!

Brak! Sure, it's Brak. You know what really helps make this a favorite though? It's a dark gray t-shirt. The one who calls herself kosmiccharlie doesn't know it, but I've always been jealous of that grey shirt of hers. (One could make the case that I've been jealous of a few pieces of her clothes, but they shouldn't. :) )


It's no secret that I like SpongeBob. I'm not as into him as I was two years ago, but I still think he's great. It's also no secret that I like big butts (and I cannot lie). It's also no secret that I have this weird taste in really bright t-shirts (neon green, anyone?). This brings the three together into one perfect t-shirt.

Honorable mentions:

Five'd by Andy at 10:51 PM EST
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Five Questions to Answer on Friday, April 2, 2004 are again being slackers. Therefore, I'm stealing the questions Vicky used. This is the part where you play along... comment here or elsewhere and share answers! It'll be fun!

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
Let's see. I started out in an apartment. Then my mom, dad and I moved to a little shack where I had the nightmare about seeing E.T. in the laundry room while talking to my grandmother on the phone. Then we moved to where my dad currently lives. Then I moved out with my mom into this apartment complex into a two-bedroom apartment. Then a stepdad was added (and sisters quickly after that) and we moved within the complex to a three-bedroom apartment. Then we moved to the house they all now live in. Then I more or less moved to the dreadful Union Street apartment, seeing as how I went months without actually sleeping at the family house and all. Then I moved with said apartment resident to the apartment I now call my own. To tally: five apartments and three houses. So eight.

2. Which was your favorite and why?
Probably this one. Good memories from sharing it, and it's great on my own as well.

3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?
I love it. I'm crazy. It's fun to pack stuff up and discover stuff you've thrown in a closet.

4. What's more important, location or price?
Both. I need to be able to afford it, but I want to be safe.

5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)?
I haven't really thought about it.

Five'd by Andy at 10:31 PM EST
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Five Mighty Beanz (plus a sixth one)
$5.99. That's about what I would spend for lunch on an average Chick-fil-A visit. Today, while on a quest for snack food that didn't involve chocolate at Publix, I finally gave into an urge I've had since October or so. Mighty Beanz.

Mighty Beanz are... well, little plastic toy beans. We received series one at the ol' bookstore back in the fall and they sold very quickly. We've gotten series two in multiple times and they go within the day they come out. We haven't gotten series three or the new Marvel, Pokemon, or Ninja Turtles series yet. I almost bought Turtle ones at Toys 'R' Us the other day. Let's have a look.

That's the package that series two, which Publix has, comes in. I'm not sharing any more of the pictures I actually took, because they look worse and worse as they go on. There's the one you can see in the display there, plus five more mystery ones. Basically, it's like buying baseball cards... you don't know what you're getting. Well, except that you're spending money on plastic beans.

Since this is the Five by Five and all, let's get to the actual number part. Well, there's six, but pretend like it's five. Here are my BEANZ!!!!

1. Bruiser Bean - Bean #64, of the "High School Team." This is a common "rookie team" bean. Basically, he's your standard high school bully, except he looks about 45.

2. Bad Breath Bean - This would be #85 of the "Monster Team." Well, bad breath can be a monster. This is an "advanced team" bean, which is I guess part of the medium difficulty level to get.

3. Coach Bean - Ol' Coach is #71 of the "Basketball Team." He's another rookie level bean. He looks like no coach I've ever had, but all of the coaches I've had since middle school were female. And come to think of it, I kinda miss that fitness walking coach that I haven't thought of since I left GSU. Homina, homina.

4. Farmer Bean - He's #76 of... get ready... "Farm Team"! This is the one that I could actually see in the package. I thought it was some kind of hillbilly or something. I'm a little disappointed. It actually reminds me of the old prospector on the unaired SNL skit on the "Best of Will Ferrell" DVD. The bean that will from now on be the old prospector is also a rookie bean.

5. Octo-Zen Bean - This weird feller is from the Alien Team and is #102. He's from the "pro team" level, which would equal "hard to get." Sad really, because it's not that cool of a bean.

5.5. Ribbon Dancer Bean - #94 of the "World Games Team", another advanced bean. Who the heck wants a ribbon dancer bean?

And just to give you a look at the beanz that are kinda cool...

I don't remember the official name, but you know they want this to be the Crocodile Hunter. It's from a regular Beanz series.

Elektra here is from the Marvel Beanz. She's about the coolest of the Marvel Beanz, maybe just because she reminds me of Jennifer Garner and I really don't mind that reminder.

Yes! Hippie Beanz! This pair is from the new series three.

This would be Leonardo of the Turtles. It's strange, I don't know many of the characters in this set, because it's based on the newfanged cartoon instead of the one I grew up with.

Coming soon, and I really can't wait, are Simpsons Beanz! Yes! You know I'll buy all of those.

Five'd by Andy at 5:54 PM EST
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Five Questions Not To Be Posted on Friday
The slackers at decided to take the week off. Bah!

Five'd by Andy at 5:35 PM EST
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Five Wrestling Gimmicks That I Liked
It's no big secret. From 1991 until when I went off to GSU, I watched professional wrestling religiously. I'm not necessarily ashamed. While there are still a few entertaining personalities (Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian, The Hurricane) left, it's gotten pretty bland nowadays. You know why? No good characters! Look at these guys! They were fun!

1. The Bezerker

Ah yes, the Bezerker. A viking! He came out looking like he does there in action figure form, but he carried a bigass sword and yelled in vikingspeak.

2. Repo Man

Repo Man was great. He did little video skits where he stole cars. He repossessed "Macho Man" Randy Savage's hat once.

3. Shark Boy

Shark Boy is one of those guys who never has really been able to make it into the WWE or the old WCW, but he sharks around the independant federations and has quite the following.

4. Papa Shango

He would set people on fire, make black stuff ooze out of the foreheads... all with his magical shaman voodoo powers. The guy who portrayed Papa Shango would later become The Godfather, a wrestling pimp. That was fun as well.

And the all-time greatest wrestler of all time...


A wrestling mountie! It reeks of Canada! He'd use his little shock stick there and the WWF would insert a little "zzzap" sound everytime. He also sang his own theme song, in a very horrible fashion, which had the best lyrics in the world. "I'm the Mountie! I'm handsome! I'm brave! I'm strong!" I tried to find it online, but couldn't. He went away for a while, but came back as a member of the Quebecers, under his real name Jacques with partner Pierre. Their gimmick?

Five'd by Andy at 10:20 PM EST
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Top Five Reasons Anna Thinks The Previous Five by Five Is Lameass
1. It has no words!

2. I'm giving you suggestions!

3. I'll do one for you... but I probably won't.

4. Books are dumb!

5. I just like using the word "lameass."

Five'd by Andy at 12:06 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:09 AM EST
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Five Books I'd Love To Never See Again
Now Playing: 'Breathe'





Five'd by Andy at 12:02 AM EST
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Monday, March 22, 2004
Five Recommended Songs in My MP3s with Female Names in the Titles
1. "Maria (Shut Up and Kiss Me)"
This is Sir Willie Nelson, from his newest album of originals (well, originals and covers). It was actually written by Rob Thomas, which scares some people. I like it a lot.

2. "Virginia, No One Can Warn You"
One from the lovely Tift Merritt, who I recommend to everyone and nobody gives two craps about (which, granted, is a lot to give).

3. "Jennifer Ever"
This is a rare one from the Smashing Pumpkins. It took me forever (i.e. a week or so) to find. I know a Jennifer or two.

4. "Dammit Janet"
From the Rocky Horror Picture Show, of course.

5. "Sweet Jane"
The Cowboy Junkies are amazing. They're usually pretty depressing though, which isn't always what's needed. Great music though. I've been loving them since the Georgia Southern days, when a great dude named Omar sent me a CD of theirs (and then ANOTHER one).

Five'd by Andy at 12:10 AM EST
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
Five Things I'll Be Reading Tonight and Tomorrow Night
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Andre 3000
1. "50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know"

A nice quick read. A very, very interesting book. I'll probably be commenting on this more later. Apparently milk can be really bad. You can cheat the post office really badly (naturally, I'll be avoiding that tip, though it IS clever).

2. "Blender"
New issue! There it is! Feature about OutKast! Feature about the craziest stars of all-time! More importantly, feature about OutKast!

3. "Spin"
The punks don't have a scan of their newest cover up. Kurt Cobain's on the front. It's the ten year anniversary of suicide extravaganza!

4. "Maxim"
Ignore the Paris Hilton cover, because I'm so tired of her, I don't think she's even hot, and look at the competition. Marge... sexiest mom ever! That Homer's a lucky, lucky man. The issue also includes a feature on the cutest animals of all time.

5. "Paste"
All I could find was a tiny, tiny picture of this month's cover on the Paste website. Patty Griffin is on the cover. Patty is awesome. The sampler CD is probably the best one I've ever seen in Paste. Norah! A bunch of others who I really like! Why not get it?

Five'd by Andy at 2:41 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, March 21, 2004 2:43 AM EST
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Friday, March 19, 2004
Five Favorite Images Saved on my Hard Drive That I've Yet To Find Another Use For Besides This
Now Playing: Strangely enough, Mr. Garrison's Christmas song
Note to the youngins: this entry contains a dirty word in about two seconds. Steer away now.


That's from "Harold & Maude," a great movie. And I agree.


The only thing worse than this statue would be one of a giant ant.


One of many scenes from the film "Amelie," which I probably haven't mentioned. It's the least goth movie ever. There's not a scene that's not full of color. And also full of French.


I just think it's a good picture of the woman.


Only because I'm shocked that Sesame Street is going to have a Muppet named Dr. Feel. Ugh.

Five'd by Andy at 9:23 PM EST
Updated: Friday, March 19, 2004 9:28 PM EST
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Five Questions to Answer on Friday for 3.19.04
The Friday Five appears every Friday at the stroke of midnight on My second (or third) post on this incarnation of AO was the Five. This'll be a regular part of Five by Five, along with the usual lists. Feel free to post a comment with your answers so I don't get lonely.

If you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
It'd probably be along the lines of Applebee's menu, because I'm into that kind of crap. It wouldn't be so Applebee's-looking though (the actual restaurant). And pumpkin pie would be offered as a dessert. I'd call the restaurant Goose's.

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?
Music. Lots of music. A few toys and books, too.

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?
Biography. I've actually started writing one four times now. I'll get it together one day, possibly when I've lived long enough to actually write an autobiography.

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?
Funny you should ask! I'd just teach kindergarten or first grade, as planned.

5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?
Horrible. :) It'd probably involve an acoustic guitar and me, kinda somewhere in the general area of not as good as Dave Matthews / possibly a little better, but probably much worse than John Mayer.

Five'd by Andy at 12:22 AM EST
Updated: Friday, March 19, 2004 1:53 AM EST
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Five Favorite South Park Episodes
(in no particular order)

1. Chickenlover
You will respect my authoritah! This is one of the episodes that got me hooked in the first place.

2. Simpsons Did It
My favorite of the newer class of shows (though being in season eight now, I guess that label is gone) pays homage to the greatest show of all time.

3. Gnomes
My favorite episode. It's got Tweek. It's got Tweek's dad and that lovely, smalltown mountain music. And it has the underpants gnomes. Step #1: Steal underpants. Step #3: Profit!

4. Sexual Harrassment Panda
The episode storyline really kinda sucks. But it's Sexual Harrassment Panda. That in itself, and his visit to the bar (and other visits) make it all worth it.

5. Cartmanland
Cartman gets his own freakin' amusement park.

Honorable mention: Any Jesus episode, especially the boxing one against Satan.

Five'd by Andy at 10:13 PM EST
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Five by Five: An Explanation
Now Playing: The Shins - 'So Says I'
What is "Five by Five"? Simple, really. I've been plotting it out since I revived AO for the 19th time. It's, for lack of a better explanation, a reason for me to make random lists that I otherwise have no room for. Five things I like. Five things I don't. It'll get a lot of pop culture junk out of my head. I can (and probably will) sprout out my favorite music babes. And hey, I'll even throw in some actual knowledge every now and then.

As far as the title, it came from Faith on "Buffy."

Suggestions for topics are welcome! IM 'em, comment 'em, or e-mail 'em.

Five'd by Andy at 10:01 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:16 PM EST
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