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This Book Will Change Andy's Life
Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Day One Hundred Sixty Four: Pain Day
"Share someone's pain today. A burden shared is a burden halved. Find a friend in distress and bear some of their grief."

Done and doner. Yesterday I shared somewhat in my friend Shawna's friends pain (heck, I was part of the pain). Today Mara and I are both stuggling with feeling icky. There. Pain halved.

Next, Day One Hundred Sixty Five... Eccentricity Day!

Posted by Andy at 8:28 PM EDT
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Day One Hundred Sixty Three: Shoplifting Day
Okay, first about the last entry. I have video. I can't get video to work from Angelfire or find anywhere else to host it. If you want to host a tiny clip of me moving my eyes around, feel free. :)

"Shoplift today."

This is followed later by "CAUTION: In the state of California, shoplifting three times will automatically result in a 25 years-to-life sentence ('three strikes and you're out' legislation)."

Note to self: Don't shoplift during California trip in a few weeks.

Not that I could bring myself to shoplifting for this. Shoplifting is bad, mmmkay.

Next up, Day One Hundred Sixty Four... Pain Day!

Posted by Andy at 8:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 4 July 2004
Day One Hundred Sixty Two: Eye Contact Day
Now Playing: Cartman: 'Help! Hippies all around me!'
"Make prolonged eye contact with everyone you meet."

There's that. Or, because I feel really bad about slacking so much (and because I just learned how to correctly use the film feature of my camera), I present real live Andy eye contact with YOU. Edit: Or I would if it WOULD WORK. Remind me to keep working on this.

Next, Day One Hundred Sixty Three: Shoplifting Day.

Posted by Andy at 11:49 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 5 July 2004 12:13 AM EDT
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Day One Hundred Sixty One: Public Poetry Day
Now Playing: Mr. Garrison writing the Great American Romance Novel
I'm still alive!

"Compose a poem and leave it in a public place to brighten up someone's day."

My website is as public as it can get! Listed on Yahoo! and everything!

Next up, Day One Hundred Sixty Two... Eye Contact Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:40 PM EDT
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Thursday, 10 June 2004
Day One Hundred Sixty: Mirrors Day
Now Playing: Turd Fergeson
"Today avoid all mirrors. Concrentrate on your inner beauty."

While I'm sure I'm full of inner beauty, I do have to check my hair regularly in the mirror to make sure it's not TOO out of control. I lose.

Next, Day One Hundred Sixty One... Public Poetry Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:25 PM EDT
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Day One Hundred Fifty Nine: Gardening Day
Now Playing: Naaaature Goulet
"Find a way of making a $10 bill grow into $100 in one day."

Sadly, I'd need a $10 bill for this. And I don't get paid for another 40 minutes. So sad.

Next, Day One Hundred Sixty... Mirrors Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:22 PM EDT
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Day One Hundred Fifty Eight: Ten Commandments Day
Now Playing: The Coconut Bangers Ball: It's A Rap! (little inside, I know)
"Today, break one or several of the Ten Commandments."

Let's see, which Commandment might I have broken today. Got it! Numero Dos, "You shall not make for yourself an idol." At work Lil' Jon is our new official idol. All hail the man and his crunk juice.

Hu-whaaaaat? Ooooooookay!

And also Robert Goulet. He's my idol.

Tomorrow, Day One Hundred Fifty Nine... Gardening Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:20 PM EDT
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Day One Hundred Fifty Seven: Human Chess Day
Now Playing: Who's that Spartan in my teepee?
"Today behave as if you were playing chess. "

That's a little difficult. But if I had to be a chess piece, I'd be the rook, described as "the strong trustworthy type."

On a related note, on TV right now are the Spartan cheerleaders at a chess meet. Bobby Fisher, where is he? I don't know, I don't know.

Next, we're gettin' all holy up in the hizzouse with Day One Hundred Fifty Eight... Ten Commandments Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:17 PM EDT
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Day One Hundred Fifty Six:
Now Playing: I gotta have more cowbell!
"Today, redesign an everyday product."

Naturally, I've done just that. Take one TV. Take one wolf hat. Put 'em together, and what a fine lookin' everyday product.

Tomorrow, Day One Hundred Fifty Seven... Human Chess Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:10 PM EDT
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Day One Hundred Fifty Five: Confessional Day
Now Playing: Marty & Bobbi Culp
"Confess to a priest."

I have no priest, but here's a confession. I admit it... I have an addiction. My name is Andy and I am addicted. Addicted to the "Best of Will Ferrell" DVD. I'm not the only person with this issue. Others should reply and confess to your addiction as well.

Tomorrow, Day One Hundred Fifty Six... Everyday Product Day!

Posted by Andy at 11:03 PM EDT
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