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Andy Online
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Smoothie Song
I would like to rerecommend Radio Andy, my very own radio station through Listen to the music I like, rate it for your own station, and have fun!

Warning: Some music may contain explicit language.

Posted by Andy at 12:32 AM EDT
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Monday, April 19, 2004
No esta aqui!
Now Playing: 'Toxic'
I've added a new little counter of sorts down on the left sidebar at the bottom. Sad, really.

Photos That Didn't Make The Cut #2 has been updated with a ton of 'em. Or about eight, whichever. One that did make the cut would be the one you see there of the new, yet to be named car.

Five by Five has been updated with both the current and the previous Friday Fives. Yay!

In very related to the banner on the left news, the death toll is getting worse by the day.

Matt Groening is making his first ever real animated appearance on "The Simpsons." Or he did a few hours ago, whichever.

You know, the real downfall of playing guitar is the serious issue of guitar nipple.

In a poll of college students, which didn't include asking me, the college kids love that John Kerry. And good for them. It's still an unofficial poll until they ask this college kid though (for the record: Kerry... duh).

Batman and Robin are fighting crime again, but in a bright yellow car! Why can't this happen in Brunswick?

Posted by Andy at 12:12 AM EDT
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Thursday, April 15, 2004

I did a bunch of This Book Will Change Andy's Life entries. And the crowd rejoices.

More catching up next time.

Posted by Andy at 10:45 PM EDT
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Roses really smell like poo-ooo-ooh

Yeah, I rearranged the place. You know, to go with the new "AO Interaction" goal that's been SO successful so far. Oh, that was sarcasm. :)

Multiple new TBWCAL entries there, and a new Andy-full Five by Five there.

News of the day: surgeons who play video games mess up less.

I never want to read a headline that says Bob Dylan sells panties again ever. Eww. And really, the thought of his face showing up in Victoria's Secret commercials kinda kills it all.

The Hardest Working Man in Showbiz has asked his wife to leave his current tour.

"Simpsons" voice actor Yeardley Smith (Lisa) has her own one woman show. No updates on the voice actor strike.

I have now read it all. Stolen: one lawn gnome. But look at the ransom note! And in a somewhat related story, I give you this story that was actually on Wow.

This just in from New Scientist magazine, which proclaims themselve to be "The World's No. 1 Science & Technology News Service": Teenage lesbians have worst rates of smoking. Very scientific.

Did you know... teeth cells may grow in other body parts.

Wow... that's some hair Pink has going on. I kinda like it.

Posted by Andy at 1:41 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:56 AM EDT
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Here, have a complete version of my fabulous LA Times appearance.

You might've also missed my appearance as an old guy in one of these pictures.

It's kinda fun to Google your name, except when you've done one "listmania" thing on and it shows up on 900 pages.

Posted by Andy at 1:36 AM EDT
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Andy Fame
Yeah, YOU weren't quoted in the Los Angeles Times!

Flashback to 2002, when I was quoted in the LA Times in an article on... SpongeBob SquarePants. The actual article is subscriber only on the LA Times site, but if you go here and scroll to the next to the last article at the bottom, my quote is one of the highlighted parts of the article.

Posted by Andy at 10:57 PM EST
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Friday, April 2, 2004
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, yeah
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: 'Lonesome Day' by Springsteen
Angelfire doesn't offer nearly enough mood options.

The banner at the top of the page was submitted by "Anonymous" via a comment thread further down this page. I still think they should anonymously e-mail me so at least I know who they are, so I can think of them as being that much cooler.

Alright, let's halfway launch this new interactive thing. It's not up to it's full power (or full look yet), but here we go... the Andy Online BB! That's right, your very own message board. It's there for you to talk with me and talk with each other. Give me feedback. Let me know how great the latest Book entry was, or how much it sucks because I didn't do it again. Participate in the latest Five by Five. Recommend an album (or a cereal) for me to review. Invite your friends! Let's make this a success!

This Book Will Change Andy's Life has been updated with Day Ninety-Three (Humility Day), Benrik's third Flashmob, and details on my quest to get Books-A-Million to be Book-compliant.

It's a double update in the Five by Five, as I do the Friday Five (sorta) and I give you a rundown of my favorite t-shirts.

Naturally because there's that new banner, the Banner Bonanza (on second thought, I don't like that name anymore) has been updated. You are always welcome to submit a banner! There's plenty of ideas listed on the banner page (well, the second page of it). I'd love some more Norah, and I'd probably fall over dead if someone brought me a good lookin' Michelle Branch banner. And hey, I'm all about Dr. Zoidberg on Futurama these days.

There are four or five new shots in Photos That Didn't Make The Cut #2. Nothing exciting, really. Just as an FYI, there will be no new original Andy pictures for the next week, as I've loaned my camera to the family for use on their vacation. They better bring me something back this time, darn it. :)

And now, the news and links that I haven't brought you in forever. Hence the long entry.

The voice actors for "The Simpsons" are on strike, which could end season sixteen early. They're asking for about $360,000 per episode (or about $8 million for a season), as they currently bring in $125,000 each an episode.

I think the yawning boy behind Bush is great. Bush, and the kid's supposed support of Bush... not so much.

The solution was there all along... police can solve crmes with bananas.

Here's the link I've mentioned to a few people that gives you the names of people in your town (neighbors, at that) and who they've given campaign donations to in your town. It's also an easy way to find out celebrity addresses, if you're a stalker.

X-Entertainment takes a look at the classic action figure that was Krang's body! I had this (and possibly still do in a box somewhere). It was one of the best figures ever.

Here's a nice little article on Tracks magazine, probably my favorite of the new music magazines. It makes me feel really old though, as it talks about the artists in it appealing to "boomers." Strange how I like most of these artists and I'm an ancient 23 (no hair jokes).

Lollapalooza is hitting the road again with a two-day format this year. I do like two of the artists announced (Flaming Lips, String Cheese Incident) thus far.

Friday's Pearls Before Swine is great, if nothing else just because it found a way to get the "mother" comment in newspapers.

Posted by Andy at 11:32 PM EST
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
Update of sorts
Alright, so I'm behind on my updates. I should've never said big things were coming. :)

The big "interactive" thing is coming. Soon. Next week, when things slow down.

With the exception of the new flashmob that's sitting in my e-mail, This Book Will Change Andy's Life is updated. Check out that bicep! Peel potatoes!

Posted by Andy at 11:27 PM EST
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Now Playing: 'She Wants To Move' - N.E.R.D.
And by tonight/tomorrow, I meant sometime hopefully this week. Some other slightly more important (but good) things have come up, and I have chosen to not sit at my computer and neglect actual human interaction. Sorry. :) It'll all be up at some point this week.

Posted by Andy at 10:42 PM EST
Updated: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:56 PM EST
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I'm as frisky as a squid on Tuesday
Do you need something to entertain yourself bright and early on Tuesday morning (or the "bright and early" equilavent of whenever you're going to be online)? Come right back here to AO!

Late Monday night, a few things ready to go up will be updated. I'll give you a taste of what the 2004 Andy musical tastes include in a big way. I'll do some more "This Book Will Change Andy's Life" and "Five by Five" stuff. I might even do more. I hope you're ready!

Tomorrow's update is also a big step in something I've tried hard for since the big January 1st relaunch of AO, but haven't had much success with... viewer interaction. Back in 1997, I christened Andy Online as "The People's Website." It was a take on a local hip-hop station calling itself "The People's Station," though people are more likely to tell you I was ripping off The Rock ("The People's Champion"). Either way works for me. I didn't call it that for nothing back then, and it's still not unofficially the People's Website for nothing now. I don't do this website for my own entertainment. It does help pass the time, but I do it because there seems to be a few people (an average of 34 different people a day, according to site stats for the last week) who want to read the zany things that I post. The blog format definitely helps. I didn't update AO much at all in the last few years because I didn't want to bother with HTML much (or, in the last year, because I was distracted by something far better than a computer). Now I can just type and voila, there it is. That's why I have all of these features. I want feedback on "Book" entries. I especially have "Five by Five" here to be an interactive feature. I give my answers, you give yours. Total answers for "Five by Five" entries since it's inception... two.

The first part of this is a plea to you to give me some feedback. There's 30-40 of you here a day. Post a comment and let me know what you think. Drop me an e-mail (andy1278 at and let me know. IM me (AIM: andybear1278, MSN: Comments can be posted anonymously, if so desired. I'd love to hear what people think of the various things that I do here, and which ones I should do more of and which ones need to be dropped.

Part two of this is to ask you to pass along the good word about AO to a friend. Multiple friends, if you desire. You come here for a reason. Maybe you know me personally. Maybe you're one of my online buddies. Maybe you've just found me online somehow, whether it's through Benrik stuff, searching, or you were looking for, which is a porn site that popped up after one of AO's original popularity waves to capitalize on the hot name back when I was getting 200 hits a day(for the record, has no Andys involved, and you're better off for that). If you keep coming back, you're probably doing it for a reason. Why not share the site with a friend? They'll either do one of two things... a) think it's incredibly lame and, in the process, think I'm incredibly lame, which is a common thing in life for me, or b) think it's kinda funny and come back. This site is not a secret. Spread the word. Post it on your site. Post it in your journal. Write down the address and post it on a bulletin board somewhere, and that goes for both online bulletin boards and real ones. Get it tattooed on your forehead. Just e-mail it to someone or tell them to check it out during an IM session. Just let me know what you did, so I can give you the proper publicity back.

Part three is saying that tomorrow, I'll be introducing another way for mass interactivity here, both with me and with each other. Despite getting the couple of hundred unique hits a day back two years ago, this feature never worked before. Nobody tried. I'm giving it another shot. You've been warned.

Posted by Andy at 3:11 AM EST
Updated: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:31 AM EST
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