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Take Off Your Shoes And Make Yourself At Home


First of all, let me thank you for stopping by. My Homepage is still under construction but I'm trying to put together something nice. So if you know how to make it look better or more interactive, let me know. All ideas are more than welcomed.

Anyway, my name is "Am" (for short) I'm a 22 year old female who lived in ATL for the past 3 years and I trully loved it there. I'm now back in Paris, FRANCE for the next couple of years. Besides that nothing has changed.

By the way, let me put it down for you real quick, there’s a lot of things to read so if you aint interested or if you’re too lazy, don’t waste your time here. U heard !
I don’t have time for all of you HATERS and CYBERSEX people. I don’t get down like that and it’s not how my parents raised me.

Now for all of you that are staying ; all you need to know is placed on the left menu, just click on either link and it'll take you to the rest of my site.

Well, I hope that you'll enjoy the tour.