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Hi, my name is Tina and I statred PLT, May of 1997. The reason I started a support group is because children with disabilities needs were not being meet in my County. Every child has a right to be here just the way they are. God makes no mistakes!

I have a son with Cerebral Palsy and from day one he's had to fight to stay alive. When It was time to inroll Greg in school our school system had nothing to offer my son. So as a parent who has a child with a disability I learn to fight for his rights! My son may have a disability BUT he has the right to be in school just as any other "normal" child.

I had my work cut out for me, here I was 18 years old with a son who had a disability. Watching him fight to stay alive and not knowing I would be fighting for him for the rest of "his" life. Not knowing what I would be facing down the road or If my son would live and if so how long would God allow us to keep this percious gift he's given us.

My son was the first severe child to enter the C.C. school system. He was 5yrs old when I first contacted the school in order to inroll him. Boy were we surprised! At first they told me he didn't have to enter school until he was 6yrs old. I knew he was able to go at the age of 5. Not knowing whatelse to expect or what the Special Ed. Dir. would say next I started doing my homework. All this was so new to us we didn't know who to call or where to go for information. LUCKLY we had a family memeber out of town that worked in the school system.

Thanks to Kathy and all her help we were given the telephone number to (PEP)Parents Educating Parents. Which then we learned by speeking with them that the school system was suppose to offer my son (PT)Physical Therarpy, (OT) Occupational Therarpy and Speech.

We went through alot of back and forth phone calls and meetings with the Special Ed. Dir. before my son was ever inrolled in the school system. He had to undergo several evaluations in order to be placed in a special education class and before he could recieve any services. We had to fight the school system in many cases involving my son and to this day I know as long as I have my son I will always be fighting for his RIGHTS.


I started having other parents calling me, bus drivers & teachers asking me if they could give my telephone number out to other parents who had special needs children. I had parents asking me for information, telling me what type of problems they were having with there child and the school system. Each time I would tell them of there rights and always give them the telephone number to (PEP) Parents Educating Parents. But to me I still didn't think that that was enough. I knew I had alot to learn myself. So I started writting letters and making phone calls. I got connected with several different organations.

I contacted PEP and talked with Don Bjornstad out of Atlanta, Georgia. He was willing to come to my county and give a workshop for the parents on (IDEA) Idividual Disability Education Act. All I had to do was get the parents together. So I started calling all the parents that had called me in the past. Tried to local others who may have a child with a disability. I set the meeting up, had flyers made out, posted them all around town, put the meeting in the local newspaper and I put it on our local radio stations.

My first PLT meeting was May 17, 1997. From this day forward PLT has monthly meetings, different spokes persons from different organizations:(PEP) Parents Educating Parents, (ADA) Americans Disabilty Act, Easter Seals (thanks to PLT and our hard work Easter Seals is now offering help with respite care in our county). We also try and do something special for the children once or twice a year.


1. The purpose of (PLT) Parents Learning Together is to provide a community service to all Individuals with Disabilities and all those concerned with their needs. To Improve the lives and education of Individuals with developmental and other disabilities and to promote understanding and acceptance of these individuals in the community.

2. Our goals are to insure the implementation and continuation of Special Education and other services which these individuals need and to which they are entitled.

3. To offer support and encouragement to families and care givers in their struggle to secure such services.

4. To educate the families who have children with disabilities of there rights.

5. Friendship, you are not alone!

6. Resources.

7. Training on: (IDEA) Individual Disability Education Act, (IEP) Individualized Education Program, Effective Advocacy, Inclusion etc...


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