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Welcome to The Homesite of
(PLT) Parents Learning Together

Who we are ...

We are:
  • Parents who have a child with a disability
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Care takers
  • Family members
  • Anyone who wants to speak up and advocate on the behalf of a person who has a disability

    Parents Learning Together of Coffee County, is a group of parents who have children with a variety of special needs and unique challenges. The purpose of Parents Learning Together is to provide a community service to all Individuals with Disabilities and all those concerned with their needs. To Improve the lives and education of Individuals with developmental and other disabilities and to promote understanding and acceptance of these individuals in the community.

    We are a group of People, who have come together because we have a member of the family with a disability or know of someone who has a disabiltiy.
    We are here to give encouragment, comfort and hope to be able to reach out and help others.
    Whether it's the help of a smile, a kind ear or a shoulder to cry on.
    We are trying to promote awareness that those with disabilities are still, just like you and I, human and have feelings. Who want to be treated with the upmost respect.

    Justice For All - speech given by Kyle Glozier at the Democratic National Convention

    History On PLT Our Children IDEA
    What's IDEA? People First Language Assistive Technoloay
    A Check List For IEP's Poems That Touch Da Heart Resources

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