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Monday, 21 April 2008
Poezie in powerpoint ( O zi fara tine)

O zi fara tine

Ca un cer fara nori
Ca o seara fara stele
Ca un ocean fara plaja
Ca o ploaie fara curcubeu,
Ca o scoica fara perla,
Ca un cantec fara sunet,
Ca o pasare fara aripi
Ca o floare fara soare,
Ca o viata fara iubire,
Ca o privire fara stralucire,
Ca un cuib fara pasari,
Ca un poem fara emotie,
Ca un pian fara clape,
Ca o vioara fara strune,
Ca un copac fara frunze,
Ca o floare fara parfum
E o zi fara tine.
Aprilie 19, 2008
=====================Daca vrei versiunea poeziei in powerpoint showciteste, te rog, mai jos:The powerpoint version (pps)
can be downloaded
only this week
at the following link:
If you can't see it or hear the sound,
you need this:

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 6:22 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Ce muzica ascult cand scriu

 Pentru cele de mai jos exista si optiunea de download.

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 3:00 AM EDT
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Alte poezii gasiti aici:


Cu drag,


Posted by ga3/adria127 at 12:49 AM EDT
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Sunday, 9 March 2008
You live within me



You are my first thought in the morning

And you are my last at night

Tell me you are thinking of me too

When your eyes meet the light.


You are my island of pleasure and dream

In the troubled ocean of these days

In the flow of mind, my theme

When I lose myself in gaze.


You are the start and you are the end

Of every thought in my head

You are the one I turn to for comfort

When I am lonely or sad.


You are the wave in my ocean of blue

The freshness of the morning air

I only hope I am also living in you

Rising up your passion flare.



March 9, 2008

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 1:59 PM EST
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Sunday, 2 March 2008
Cercuri concentrice
Cercuri concentrice
poezie [ ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
de adria [adria]

2004-06-24  |     | 

Traim amandoi intr-un cerc
Hasurat spre dreapta de vise
Si spre stanga de realitati paralele.
Undeva, pe o orbita a centrului
Se nasc planete din cuvinte bing-bang
Minerale lucitoare si frustrari cenusii, mate.
Cercul are menirea sa ne delimiteze
De cei si de cele care ne-ar putea
Sterge hasurile, planetele
Si poate chiar cercul.
Din cand in cand intra in cercul nostru
Cate-o planeta din alt sistem solar
Si-atunci aerul se rarefiaza
Dispar cateva juraminte,
Cateva certitudini asumate
Inca de la geneza circulara
Si nucleul incepe a pulsa salbatic
Pentru a-si apara ochiurile
Vulnerabile, dintre hasuri.
Uneori cercul insusi devine nelocuibil,
Superpopulat de intrebari si suspiciuni
De justificari si dilutii,
De jumatati de adevar
Si ma surprinde gandul
Ca ma sperie mai tare
Sa raman in hazardul rotund,
-Oarecum predictibil-
Decat toate misterele din afara lui.

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 11:33 AM EST
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Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Stii unde vreau sa te sarut?
Stii unde vreau sa te sarut?

Stii unde vreau sa te sarut?
La ceas, la Universitate,
Locul cel mai cunoscut
Pentru-ndragostiti, din toate.

Stii unde vreau sa te sarut?
La munte , la mare, la ses,
Sarut lung si absolut
Patimas si in exces.

Stii unde as mai vrea?
Intr-un lift ce urca intr-una,
La fel ca iubirea mea,
Sa ne binecuvanteze luna.

Stii unde vreau sa te sarut?
De fapt, pe marul lui Adam,
Dar nu cred ca ti-a placut
Si curaj nici ca mai am…

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 12:59 PM EST
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La Fantasia
La Fantasia (Another Love Story)


His piano keys were on fire
From his passion, from his love
The music was his way to fly
To the magic island of dreams.
He did not want to betray his family
But neither his music.
He loved them both,
But his muse was cruel
She did not want to give
Anything to a passionless man.
He was in love long ago
With his spouse, so much in love...
But then fall out of love
Like all the others do, in time.
And the muse turned his back
On him for years after years.
He sat on his piano chair
And no tune ever came out
From his cold piano keys.
He had his family to cherish,
But he was just another bird
Without his wings.
What was he without his
Music, without inspiration?
An empty Champaign glass
Forgotten on a table,
In the morning,
In a hotel room.
His songs became a call for love
For passion, again in his life,
Long, whispered, rounded,
Tender sounds
Of a lonely, longing heart.
Until one day, until one day
When he saw her applauding
In the first row of the theatre,
Right in front of his piano.
And her smile ignited again
What he thought dead by now.
He felt alive again,
Filled with a cascade of passion
Falling down on his piano keys.
From that day on,
He saw her there every Friday,
With her husband and probably son,
Always fresh, always radiating
Energy and passion for life.
His crush for her gave him
So much inspiration that
The muse stayed with him
Night and day.
At the end of the year,
He was still in love,
She was still there, on Fridays.
He presented his new compositions
And the audience, swept away
By the magnitude of his passion,
By his talent and amazing new songs,
Was applauding frenetically.
Five encores in a row.
He came in front of the stage,
So close to her, almost feeling her breath,
And caught her look,
With all the blue magic in it.
She understood and he knew,
All this year they’ve been in love,
A secret love that they could share
Only on the Island of Dreams.

February 4, 2008

By adria


© 2008 adria (All rights reserved)

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 12:52 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 February 2008 1:19 PM EST
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Unele ganduri sunt
Ca niste egrete
Cu picioroange lungi
Incercand sa-si protejeze
Penele de noroiul
Din baltile pacatului.
Dar tot stand asa
Intr-un picior,
Sunt istovite,
Si seara,  spre culcare
Se prabusesc
La malurile patului.
Unele ganduri sunt albe
Si serene
Ca niste pescarusi
Ridicandu-se mereu
Deasupra marii
De sub fruntea mea.
Poate de-aia ma incrunt
Cei doi vuturi
De pe umeri
Sunt acolo
De-odata cu mine.
Ei nu dorm niciodata,
Doar motaie uneori
Cand nu ma aflu  in pericol.
Uneori pleaca toate
Pasarile speriate,
Cand vulturul singuratic
Le fugareste
In lungul si in latul
Dar el vine,
Mancanca alte doua-trei
Ganduri si pleaca.

January 22, 2008

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 12:15 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 February 2008 12:56 PM EST
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The dream of a dream

The dream of a dream


His heart was rebel

His heart was restless

And longing for a dream,

Dream after dream.

Every time a dream

Was heralding the real dream

His heart bits were so strong

And wild, as his heart would

Jump out of his chest.

He passionately dreamt

Of a dream to have again

That feeling of unknown


That feeling of mystery,

The emotion taking away his breath,

The warm, subduing wave


From his chest until the pit

Of his every pore.

He knew that only

If he kept dreaming

The real dream would,

Eventually, come.


February 2008


Posted by ga3/adria127 at 12:11 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 February 2008 12:56 PM EST
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Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Aroma iubirii



Aroma iubirii

La paispe ani,
Cam asa sa fi fost,
Am simtit pentru prima data
In nari aroma iubirii
Si-n pori imi patrundea
O misterioasa, dulce
Tandra istoveala.
Dar nu stiam cum se
Numeste aroma,
Nu stiam sa-i deslusesc
Magia si intelesurile.
Nu intelegeam
De ce mi se taie respiratia
Atat de tare
Incat trebuia sa intredeschid
(corpul meu stia atunci
Ce eu nu invatasem inca)
Nu stiam sa sarut
Si n-am acceptat sa invat
Cand eram prea aproape,
Atat de aproape
De buzele lui.
Ii simt inca respiratia
Prea aproape de mine
Prima respiratie de barbat
Aproape de tampla mea
Prea aproape de parul meu,
De obrazul meu, de buze...
Rusinata, tematoare,
Pudica, am intors
De indata capul.
Am stat pe o banca de lemn
Vopsita in verde,
Inconjurata de salcii soptitoare,
Pe malul lacului
Din Libertatii,
Acolo unde podul
Isi ridica piciorul
Sa paseasca
Pe celalalt mal.
Ne-am uitat cu orele
Unul la altul
Si-apoi tinandu-ne
De mana, ne-am plimbat
Cu mersul acela unic,
Inconfundabil, de indragostiti,
Pe aleile batrane,
Tacute si emotionate.
Parca-i vad si acum
Camasa fara guler
Brodata cu model
Barbatesc, tribal,
Si lantisorul de aur
De care atarna
O cruciulita pe care
Am indraznit sa o iau
Intre degete, cu grija
Sa nu-i ating,
Din greseala, pieptul.
Canta la violoncel
Studia la liceul de muzica
Si statea intr-un bloc
Inalt de tot
Din centru.
Canta si acum probabil
La violoncel,
Intr-un oras
Din lumea larga,
Ultima oara la Roma,
Nebanuind ce aroma
Si inconfundabila
A lasat in albumul
Meu de amintiri.


Traducere din engleza

in mod special pentru Ingrid,

stie ea de ce...

23 Ianuarie 2008

Posted by ga3/adria127 at 4:26 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 February 2008 12:56 PM EST
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