Mac's Journey Home


8/16/00 - The Phone Call
8/23/00 - INS Approval!
8/30/00 - Update from Kaz 9/3/00 - Medical Report    9/10/00 - Update        9/11/00 - Travel Date   9/22/00 - New Sister    10/2/00 - Measurements

Pictures - 2 wks

Pic #1 - Pacifier                 Pic #2 - Diaper Change   

Pic #3 - Sleepy head           Pic #4 - Those cheeks!!   

Pictures - 4 wks (New)





Mac at 2 weeks

August 16, 2000 - The Phone Call

Much to our surprise and delight we received the phone call in which we've been waiting for 2 years.  Cindy called and told me that she had a little boy that she wanted us to look at.   He was born 7/27/00 in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan.  I was at home by myself and Ken was in Crossville in a trial.  Cindy told me what she knew about the little guy and asked if we were interested.  Of course the answer was yes!  Cindy told me she was e-mailing pictures for us to look at.  My heart stopped beating as the first picture was downloading.  It was love at first sight.  I had to do anything to keep myself busy while waiting on Ken to call during his lunch break. 

When he finally called I told him that there was a little boy waiting for him to look at him.  He had to ask the judge for an extension of their lunch break.  He found a computer in the court house and with an audience looking on Ken saw Mac for the first time.  No doubt it was also love at first sight from him as well.

The tentative schedule for us to travel is mid-November.  Cindy seems very sure that we will stay on schedule and be home before Christmas.  Why don't we get him earlier, you might ask.  Well Kaz. law requires the baby to be 3 months old before they can leave the country.  Mac will be about 3 1/2 months old when we go get him. 

It seems like 2 1/2 months is forever but I know that time will go by fast.  We have a lot to do to get ready for little Mac.  We are so blessed!!  God has sent us an angel.  Please keep Mac in your prayers as well as the men and women at the hospital who will be taking care of him until we can bring him home.

We will get more pictures next week - hopefully.  We will also receive all of Mac's medical records.  We're still waiting on INS approval.  We hope to have approval by next week.  STAY TUNED!



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