Sun Magick

Some magicians may wait months for the sun to enter the proper sign of the Zodiac. This is fine for major workings but unrealistic for those who are working everyday magick. However, there are other solar cycles worth following... if you have the time. If not, don't wait.


Day begins as light stretches out from the eastern horizon. This is an excellent time to perform rituals involving purification, business success, study, employment, breaking addictions of all kinds, travel, releasing guilt & jealousy, healing diseases, & the conscious mind.


The sun shines far above at full strength. This is fine for all sunrise ritual purposes, as well as those that involve magickal energy, physical energy & strength, protection, money & courage.


The sun slips below the western horizon, signaling the time for breaking addictions, weight-loss, banishing misery & pain, transforming anguish & negative habits.


The sun is out of sight. This is the drowsy time for beauty, dreams, psychic dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, sleep, sex, purification, love, friendships, peace, releasing stress, healing wounds.

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