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End of Junior Year Pictures

Reflections and thoughts on becoming a Senior - 1:29am June 8, 2002

Finally we are seniors! I remember back in 9th grade sitting in homeroom with William and Chris in Ms. McMillan's homeroom when we had finished out first six weeks. I thought we had completed 1/24th of high school. Now 3/4th, 75 percent, only one year left! It is incoprehensible! With a mountain of summer work upon us school can not escape our thoughts entirely. Yet while I enjoy the bliss of summer I can help but want to get back to school in order to complete high school. And on the other hand I want school to last as long as possible because after this year is over we are no longer under the protection of a conroled high schooled life. After this year we are on our own for better or worse. We are reaching that great turning point in our lives. Time is sliping out from underneath us and at this time we must learn and prepare for this emense change. Well it is getting late and i must retire for the evening. - José

IB Kids: Collection Wallpaper

Group 4

Fall 2001 Wallpaper!!!


December 30, 2001

Fifty percent of the Junior year is now complete and time have been tough. With the Winter Holidays now half way over I plan to get nearly all the pictures taken over the past semester for Theatre, group 4, and more. And maybe if i can find a large enough storage space I can post IB Kids: Year in Review 2000-2001! OK well I have a week to complete it all. - José

October 23, 2001

The hatred world of Junior IB has been underway for about 3 mmonths now. It has taken me 5 months to even get an oppertuinity to even consider editing this page. Don't worry though I have lots of pictures from Italy and Greece, School, william's flat and Group 4. The will (hopefully) be lots of new additions to the page soon. Also a general calander of upcoming assignments. Also I came up with a better way of making use of the passworded entrance. Till I have another chance to edit the page. Adíos. - José

Visit the IBO! I don't advise it though.