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Big John's Home Page

Current Time and Temperature For Atlanta:
Detailed Atlanta, GA Forecast
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Cyber Family Location Map

All of My Pictures!

BJ, Dani and Friend Marlene
Sarah Fishing
BJ, Dani,Lauren and Ethan
Family Friend "Slick Chick"
Grandkids Justin and Sarah
Carl and Amazene
The Bridge Builder
A Smile For You!
Nine People
Great Grandson Kade--Xmas 2000 #2
Great Grandson Kade--Xmas 2000 #3
Great Grandson Kade--Xmas 2000 #5
A River Boathouse
A Beautiful Sunset
Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria
Facts of LIfe
John and Dani 7/03/01
John and Dani w/friend Ludlow Porch
Ludlow and Dani
Dani and Ludlow
John and Floyd
John and John III
Chapel used for Dani's Service
Flowers in Chapel
John's Flowers to Dani

My Favorite Web Sites
(You'll love these!)

Compaq Message Board on CBS Market Watch
Atlanta Mens Workshop

Web Building Tools
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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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Angelfire HTML Library
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

My Grandson Justin, is this Web Site's Advisor

Click Here To Email Me!

My website is still under construction y'all!
Come back and see it again soon as I add more everyday!