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Music playing is This magic monemt

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Our real names are Betty and Bill

             I thought I would take this time to tell you alittle about us

           We were married on August 31,1963 so we have               been together for 37 wonderful years.  We now live in Georgia for the last 28 years.
      I was born in North Carolina and Bill was born in New York
Now we moved to New York when I was 5, and Bill and
I never did meet. when I was 14 we moved to
Long Inland and Bill at 14 moved to Norwalk Conn.
Now my understanding is that my Dad wanted us to
move to Norwalk, Conn. but my Mother wouldn't.
But when I was 18 my Mother did move to Norwalk.
and that is were Bill and I met. It wasn't until after
we were married that she told me that she wouldn't
move to Norwalk because she felt that I would met
someone and get married. and she didn't want that to
happen right then. Its funny  because when I met Bill
we lived there only about 3 or 4 months and we went
together for about 8 months and got married.
      Now sweet Bill said he knew on our first date that he loved me.
   sorry but I didn't, My older sister even said the first time
   she saw him that I would marry this man. and I looked at her
and said no way. So it goes to show you that you never know.
one day I found out he was going to go out with someone.
well it hit me like a rock and I got so mad. then I thought why do I care? then is when I realized I did have feelings for Bill LOL
      now we met in a very funny way, but I'm going to save it for another page and then if you want to read about it you can.

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oh my goodness!  look what Shy sent me.  Shy thank you with all my heart for this honor. Now you have made my heart so full that its over - flowing

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Now this little cutie was given to me by Nannie, from the Misker's Den-izens Club.   I did have her linked to where Nannie got here from.but somehow Geocities lost it for me. So if anyone knows it   please let me know.

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Here you can see my other pages

Stefanie surprised me with this sweet award, what a honor it is to Bill and me. to have Stefanie to make this for use.

Please click on our award and go see here lovely website

Thank You Stefanie

August 4, 2001.

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Thanks Anita for this lovely flowers

<IMG SRC="" ALT="The Site Fights Blooming Baskets" BORDER=0>

Send a Blooming Basket!


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       LuvRaqui has a lovely website so click and have a
      look and then you can vote for her also :-)

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My Index Page

I did make the page about how we met. so go look and see the funny way we met each other lol

Our first meeting

My daughter has made a website of lupus, please go and take a look at what she has to say about lupus.

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here is my old guestbook

Sign My Guestbook  View My Guestbook

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Copyright 1999 & 2001 © by Sillymom54