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I would like to thank a researcher by the name of Kate Norton who`s love for her grandfather, Walter " Brownie" Straun who served our country proudly in the Pacific during World War II, connected us in order for her to get these photos for me. Kate's Grandfather had always talked about his Great Grandfather....James Straun, who died at Andersonville and is buried in grave number 4555. I was able to get photos of his grave to her for her Grandfather's 85th birthday and later sent a headstone rubbing to her. The joy I felt of her connection with her grandfather is what genealogy is all about. I was saddened when Kate told me that he passed away recently, but not before he could be able to see where HIS Great-Grandfather was buried. It is to you Kate that I dedicate this page, to you, your Grandfather and your Great-Great-Great Grandfather.