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Tennesseans held at Andersonville

This page is dedicated to those Federal soldiers from the state of Tennessee who held aa Prisoners of War in the prison pen at Andersonville Georgia ( Camp Sumter ) during the American Civil War from February 1864 until May 1865. You will find the known details and information of those soldiers who perished as well as survived their imprisonment alphabetically in the links below. The details and records available to me in use on this page, are by the gift of many years of work by my friend Jack Lunquist who I can honestly say that without his gift, I would not have been able to continue my work in research on the history of Andersonville. It is only by his passing that his extensive work came to a close. Thank you Jack. You are missed. Please forgive the pop-ups. They cannot be avoided with Angelfire websites. Enjoy

Available Tennessee Prisoner information

Kevins Main Andersonville Page
Youtube video of things to see at Andersonville

Records alphabetically by last name.

Ables - Autry
Babb - Byron
Caldwell - Curry
Dabney - Dyre
Eades - Everett
Fairchild - Furry
Gallyan - Gunter
Habs - Hynds
Ingram - Isreal
Jack - Julian
Kaner - Kyle
Lacy - Lyons
Mackey - Myracle
Needham - Norwood
Obaugh - Owens
Payne - Pursley
Quick - Quinn
Ragan - Ryan
Samples - Sweetman
Tague - Tyfle
Underwood - Utley
Vanbrook - Veteo
Wade - Wright

Yarber - Young
Zumbrum - Zabriskie