This page contains links to pages and sites of a mature nature.Should you be one of a closed or narrow-minded indivdual,please turn around and go back from whence you came!!!!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.This page is dedicated to the many individuals and groups that want peaceful solutions to world problems unchanged in the world since the age of misinformation began.The time has now come for all people to unite for a common cause,liberation from the mind control tactics of the U.S.govt.

It's been a long process for me, but I can gladly say that now is better than never.Peace by peace,I along with entities already hard at work,will explore deeper for the benefit of the masses to recognize the "other" issues.Please bear with any technical difficulties

This is the introduction to the next level of positive and effective impact utilizing :
1)knowledge of self
2)basic life management skills
3)knowledge of the law
These basic necessities will be explored for the purpose of enrichening the outlook of those that believe they are burdened by anything other than themselves.Enjoy the information and the links connected to this page.
This page will also have health-conscious and alternative news and views most useful to those wanting to stay informed about:

This page will also have personal information about myself and the history leading to the design of this site.

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