Wun... Tuu... Skree... PLASTER!!!

Welcome To "Wun... Tuu... Skree... PLASTER!!!"! First, we're now giving you a Cheat Link so you don't have to actually read the list. Of course, this is the most amusing part of the site, so you really should. On to the list. We are the home of hiney bum bums, the Juju fro, rabid water bottles that attack Bubbles, blue jello, 98 diseases, the spikey haired peace dude, Howie's greasy hair, Christina Aguilera monsters, Shugur in a G string with orange hair, Bubbles' brother JC Chasez, Ronald McDonald- Or is that Joey?-, dude!, the navy stripper hat Koo Koo pole dances in, evil cloud imps, the WEAPON, rhythm (so that's where it was!!), the fuzzy pants (Do you have loooove?), mustangs, tigers, and eagles (oh my!), motivation cuz we're downright motivated, licky licky lollipop, hot boys we freak, Derek trash, ketchup packets, Busta the hot pink puppy, the Mississippi albino, no Justin (the poof finally ate him too!), Uncle Chief?!, you know NOTHING, CD's crazy self, big giant bunnies, Lil Devil the demon, Tonio (he ate his flea collar!!), the remains of the snorted pixie stix, spiffiness, Laki the mastermind, Koo Koo and that dude she's groping, pop rocks, the cackling laughter of... we won't go there, insignifigant jello molds, bustin outta the packaging, Chief Dawg who's stalkin us, 123PLASTER, the lunchlady song that is sung incessantly, facsimile-the few and the proud, that DAMN GAME!, they who strap themselves to a metal pole up in the sky during a thunderous downpour and then wanna do it again, Dacigaweed, the ultimate AFJROTC cadets, Jay Jay Baby, Sgt. Rhodes who twitches when ya mentions the Col, the man with the three-haired mohawk, just about everyone on JV Sabre Team, Ghetto Ten-HUT!!, Cha Cha Slide at attention, LET ME SEE THAT TOOTSIE ROLL!!!, Pimp Strut march, the pinch pillow, I WANNA LICK HIM!!!, Horsey Man, chirp chirp, the stalker, remote control and drawering, the evil Latin lady, Mr. Roshambo's head on a stick, the homicidal laugh at beginning of wipe out, FRONTAL NUDITY!!!, body slamming, rolly chairs, no Matt cuz he's creepy (all skree of em), rolling around mission impossible style, kidnapping, the elaborate plots to get into jessi's pants, the elaborate plots to get into BJ's PANTS!!! (Ok, so Hebber wants to lick him), collect calls... call 1-800-CALLATT, broken frigedators, yelling daddies, the happy couple with da cheerio, I'm a survivor, BOOTYLICIOUSNESS!!, shake it fast, high fives from mommyness for keeping the dip, DUMB NUTS!, Hebber's cracked out dancing, the almighty impotent one, orgasisms, PENTOMINOES!!!!, funny as monkey nuts, ready furnt, flying books, sweepy rides, zzzzz's on the aviator, lolipops stuck to the leg, yessum, the birth of a candy bar, ooooooh big altoid!, 1-800-IAMCHEAP, Paulber the great, grrrrrr!!, back in the day, take off your pants and jacket, latin monkey nipples, CLICK THE DAMNED DOT!!, Jeezits, Hebberness, Poofness, Derrrrrrrrrvidness, Jessiness, the group commander as a chicken skrippin on the diving board, the great cornholio, booty dancin, the blue wig, Philatetee, PEACE HO!!!, Et tu, Brute?, I don’t care about my sandwich anymore!, migraine headaches, tryin not to drop green slurpie on our uniforms at the drill meet, the positioning of the rank, you know you’ve been in ROTC too long when…., dress right dress!, da knockout, merits and demerits, what den, yellin and watchin TV, I’m divorcing DADDY!, nap time!!!!!, Cookler’s kleenexes, the elaborate plot to kill Cookler with the body spray, da air purifier, FUNNYMOUS!!!, you dialed at me, the amusing sound affects, the mountain dew commercial, the pairing of FRIENDS characters to actual lives, let me borrow your lipgloss, the backstroking roaches, if… if is good, the theory about men, good morning!!!, EPIC LG, forshnicked, huc illuc this way and thatimus, thank you Obi Wan Kebaldy, feel the force!, WOO HOO!!!, chickey balls, shwiiiiiiing, I am Hebber- I do these things, Christ chex, NKOTB still reppin baby!!, punching bags, Hebber’s prettyful but unreadable writing, miracle in a bowl, boy-oy-oy-oy-oing!!!, the cake fight at Becca’s party, elaborate plots- hey! It’s what we do!!!, baboon, the 5 second (or week) rule, the science class running up and down the stairs, may the Swartz be with you!, skuriously, swiffers, the 16 bowling score, get on down, sexy bitches, beating random people with the rifles, BJ wigglin in his Taco Bell uniform, the NEW combo, BJ’s hypothetical questions that never stay hypothetical for long, David’s sexy mama, our elaborate plot to lick all guys (and a few its), hot dogs and tacos, plaster me baby!, rabid oompa loompas, canibalistic leprachauns, winnie the who (what the hell!), Shrek- cuz Shrek is cool, the boy who humped the dog, cool action markings, the Lil Devil dance, the surprised smiley from AIM, leaps and Grand Canyons, what are YOU wearing??, siwwy wabbits, MY MOMMYNESS!!!, GA-62, bonding, Communist Canadians, Davebob III.2 and a half x 10 to the third, Bob my invisible pet monkey, sux to your assmar!, the beastie, getting ghetto, Uncle Freddie, he-yah, snapple rain cuz it’s just good and stuff and it deserves it’s props, short and shorter, DEM!!!!, the lunch group (aka the herd), doofs, YO!!!, passing Latin (WOO HOO! WE DID IT!!), the clapping from the FRIENDS theme, FURNDS not FRIENDS, Hebberness’ minion!!, my whore Joe, David my pimp, the elaborate pimp/whore ring, the flying picture frame with Borr Borr in it, way too many elaborate things, Grrrr Taco Bell commercial grrrr!, SIX-TAY TWOOOOO!! NORTHSIIIIEEEEEDDD!, Ma’am… sir… spam!, the over one thousand word list (no for skurious, cuz I got a word counter!), the spiral notes that make everyone but BJ dizzy and annoy him cuz he has to turn the page, the Alabama trip, WISCONSIN! (All of us on a plane goin across the country. Skurry, is it not?), BJ’s talent- the unhooking of the bras, BJ’s vast bra tag collection, Jay and BJ’s elaborate plot to steal all clippies and scrunchies, REALITY SHOWS SUCK!!!, the frivolus double stuffed spring time oreo, the genie fairy, the vibrating ducky, the evil furbies, Cookler, the inevitable naps in Latin, Mometry, evil homework checks, the Taco Bell slut, mmmm… pussy!!, yeah yeah I love you woooooosh!, the locked up goldfish, the bluebird that’s out to get Hebberness and Lil Devil, the knowledge slut, I’m sayin doe!!, mudda sucka!!, mucho grande!, the lost remote, AIR HUG!!!!, Ahhh! Your face is falling off!!, da frigedator repair man (cuz he was dude), Riiiiipppppedddd, like JESUS!!!, the collaborative licking of Sugar Ray, the CLIFF!!, the lickables, vat are ve jewish now?!, shum shum, pixie stix run!!!!, HULA HOOOOOOP!!!, don’t eat the blue soup!, M.O.U.W.N.S, the privacy room, a phone booth up in da bedroom, I STILL WANT IT TO BE A BAFROOM!, how’m I gonna stretch out in my closet?, HOLD ME I’M SCURRED!, the room within a room, I always wanted my own lead pipe!!, skip its (‘member dem? Dey was cool!), DEY TAKIN MY DOOR!!!, shmack dabby, the make-out room, the ant Mafia, Fred the fly, ant carcasses floating around in the pool, bad things that happen on the bus to Alabama, the drooling Derrrrrvid asleepin on the bus to the drill meet, a quarter for bliss, EWWWW!! WAHENIES!, Joey Bear, you funny funny lady, the devil… aka Wal-Mart, the word of the day- FRIVILOUS!, the giant hand of God and the crackheads, I don’t get it… you funny I guess, Joey’s monkey with the 4 balls, Ste from BBMAK simply so Hebberness can lick him, Summer Girls baby yeah!, ELMO!!, Monkeybone, life size sperm (BJ… you’re just weird for that…), the elaborate ways to kill Hebberness (I’d like to personally thank my two best friends for PLOTTING TO KILL ME!!), the elaborate plot to take over Canada… then the world, the elaborate plot to rename the world Cambodia, the elaborate plot to send all Brittany’s to Antarctica, the elaborate plot to screw with Davebob’s head, the elaborate plot to make more elaborate plots cuz they’re FUN!, gasp dot dot dot, Silent Bob, argh!, 8 count with the kitty… or try helicopters- “Meow meeoooooowww! Meow meoooooowww!!”, ghetto staggers, the Deputy Commander and her Deputy Deputy, the bubbles in the smiley face (that BJ stole!), Chris and his mom cuz they just amuse me, the flaming ball of pee, the giant sized hoo haa chasing Jessiness downhill, the delirium that caused Jessi to go out with Paul, kitty cat volley ball, the sour cream and onion chips (don’t eat em… trust me. Just don’t!), the sign girls at the car wash, 3… 2… 1… WHAT?!, let’s play lie… what’s yo name?… Jessica Nicole Dacigaweed!… nahh dats da truff do!… huh… yeah ‘member we playin lie!, anchorage, Sgt. Rhodes with a hose, the male birth defect, tall dark and evil, molestation via the drive through, apple juice, E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T, cadburry eggs, the wet hairless pussy, the VOICE, it’s YOUR MOVE HOLYMAN!, the Croutons o Christ, She wants sauce! Hurry up! She wants it herrrrr wayyyyy!!, wrestling masturbation, the goldfish locked in the closet, the ghetto honor code, the army of head giving smileys, DAMN MESSENGER!, military time, workin at the car wasshhhh, yes… this is true, the infamous trip to TransCon, backstabbing going behind your back jello molds, the shit that never happens that you want to happen so your life is a hell of a lot better, 12 ostrich power cars, lmnop, the stand up comedians, CRIMETY!, I’d link him!!, hella hard, I not tarded!, I NEED SOMEONE TO LICK DAMMIT!, the fry bitch, bufferlies cuz dey just amusing, the "my name is" sticker with HEATHER written in blue crayon on it, See no evil... salute no evil, windage, schkit... bull schkit... holy schkit!, scatological, sh-karp!, left cleavage... right cleavage..., SHANK!, sex pot, cowboy hats... boots... and CHAPS... with NOTHING ELSE, the xf/cd, the Finance Branch, POP GOES THE METROS!, Osama bin Cook, For once... I do not feel confident in my ability to stay ALIVE!, RIVOTED MAN!, Wicked..., The Rose, BJ PORN!!!, The dark corner, Harry Potter cuz he's the shit, Q: Why did Hebber cross the road?, A: Because there were MUNCHIES on the other side!, DAMN CANADIANS!!, the corner, the planned AlgII failing, the family- Daddy Wes, Mommy Bekah, brothers Mike and Ryan, sister Hebber, and the dog that was disowned because he wouldn’t stop fuckin the daughter!, Hebber and Jessi’s two marriages even though there was no divorce in the middle, Togas, Dr. Seuss, and comedy in Latin… we miss her now that it’s over!, the DAMNED calculator, DARTING mission:impossible style because we’re just too lazy to roll, Hebber finally got some!, too much energy…, We need more plots!, refreezerator, our graduates! (not BJ!!!), BJ’s bad timing, ghetto headbandz becoming a fad during finals, Austin hanging by his toenails being tortured for messing with Jessi, Being skurred in the back of Wes’ car cuz we think he’s crazy and he kidnapped us…, Jessi’s cowboy, THE MOTORHOME, Passed Latin with an 80!!, Westley’s fire, STUPID PEOPLE!, Chris asleepin in Jessi’s bed, child bearing hips and teeeeters, the $500 million question, demilesqueness, who are we killing now?, OMG BJ’s a Taco Bell manager now!, our favorite TO- Papa Chicken!, Ray’s goin to the Air Force Academy (just thought you should know), the year from hell which caused bitterness and bitchiness on the site, the brain, earthworm clitellum, the mammal project, BIOME TREK!, Scott finally grajiated!!!!!!!!, you know what you need… you need pie!, but heeeey that’s just details, THEXAY- Tim Chris Toby and Kenny, the booming voice of God, Star Wars! Being tricked into AP, yesh… yesh I do!, Group commander man man man man man!! Mwahaha! *Ray standing in Superman pose*, SMACK! 17, multitasking, but above all else HUMOR!! Take it lightly with a grain of salt, and call me in the morning!!

Having said that!! Enter the site!!

Plaster me BABY!!!!!

We feel that at this point it is necessary to inform you that the entire list that you just pointlessly read was inspired entirely from inside jokes. On the skurious! We mean it! We sat and thought up just about every inside joke we've EVER had and listed them. That's just how pitiful our existance is.

Also, we deem it necessary to tell you that we REALIZE that we make a helluva lotta references to ROTC, Taco Bell, Latin, and elaborate plots. This is our life. This is what we do. As sad as that is, it's true! Now, why are you reading this enstead of clickin on that link up there? Ya dumb nut! Stupid ass monkey nipple! Go back up and click the link!