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(This Bible is in the Elbert County Library, Elberton, Georgia.)

This selection from Elbert County Library Vertical files, September 1997.

(Apparently listing of birth of slaves)


(Page torn here) was borned 28 Day of May 1823.

(Illegible) child Rachel was borned March 11, 1824

Chats Boy Rubin was born October 26, 1825

Chats second Boy Lige was born 23 Day of January 1828

Charles Nancy Boy was born the fifth day of July 1827

(page torn).....second boy Rance was born the twenty fifth Day of March 1829

Chats 3 gal Ann was born 25 Day of August 1831

Chats 6 child Clark a boy was bornd 16 day of September 1833

Chats 7 child Isaac Richerson? was born 6 day of October 1833

Chats gal Martha was bornd the 29 Day of March 1837

Dice was born the 3 day of Apriel 8139

Chats 11 Child Steven was born the first Day of January 1844

Chats 12 child William was born 9 Day of April 1846

Lises first child gal.Lise was born Apriel 24 Day 1849

(The beginning of this line is almost illegible. The name of the mother

and daughter are [best guesses])

Lises boy child was born January 9, 1851 his Name is Benavilles?

Lises Boy Steven was born 8 Day of November 1852

(another entry at the bottom of this page is illegible )

(at the bottom of the next page, the page staring the Family Record

section of the Bible, is the following note which appears to be a

continuation from the previous page)

Lissers child Charatily? was Born October 6 Day 1858 (or 1859)


The Following entries, in pencil, record Webb family information:

Mary Arthusy Webb was born the 19 of April 1875

George W. Webb was born the 13 Day of March 1866

Fletcher R. Webb was born the first Day of June 1868

William _____ Webb was born the 24 Day of January 1873

George W. Webb son of Martin D. Webb and Mary E. Webb his wife was born

the 13 day of March 1866

(Two other entries are illegible)



Inside the front cover, in a hand consistent with what we believe to be

that of Robert Booth, are the notations

Robert Booth.....his book......1824

the Bay mare had a colt 17? of Apriel 1824


On the first page (blank) there is a note at the top of the page that is

unreadable to me, badly damaged by insects and wear.

The bottom of the page is eaten or torn away 1 1/2 to 2 inches, so

there/s no telling what might have been written in that area. Written

upside down and flowing out of that torn area is the notation of a date,

the third digit of which has been eaten, but it appears to be 1835 and

....(something eaten)...marian Pery County Alabama (Present day Marian,

Alabama is located in Perry County...the note may have been reference to

some member of Robert’s family who had moved to Marian. The Booths were

well represented in central Alabama. My great grandfather, William King

Booth, spent the Civil War years in Montgomery....with a relative?.

On the title page, in a box provided for the purpose of identifying the

book as The PROPERTY OF is written: Robert Booth, Praise fore Dollars

twenty-five cents



On the first page of the "Family Records" section is a note "this was

bot by my granfather R.J. Parham, Jr."


...and notations in the hand of Robert Booth


"Robert Booth and Elizabeth Walker was married Febrary the sixth day 1806"


"J. Robert Booth (a word that might appear to be sener) and Sally Olmun

was married the first Day of October 1833."


"Sary Booth my wife she dide 6 Day of December 1843 at night about 10 a cloc"


"Mary P. Smith and Robert Booth was married 2 Day of October 1845"



There is a notation on the last page of Family Records to the effect that


"Salley Booth daug of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Booth She dide Apriel 2 Day 1824"



[This part was sent to Anne C. Booth in 1997 by Evelyn Booth Voniers]

Robert Booth Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Booth was borned June 7, 1774.
Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Andrew and Polly Walker was borned April
21, 1781.

Eliga and Elishe Booth was borned Mar 15, 1820
James Hue? Booth was April 23, 1823.
Washington Asbury Booth was borned Oct 31, 1825
Mary Elizabeth Booth was borned Feb 1, 1847.
George W. Webb, son of Martin D. webb and Mary Elizabeth Booth Webb was
borned Mr. 13, 1866. R. F. Webb was borned June 1 1868
William H. Webb was borned Dec 24, 1870.
Mary A. Webb was Borned April 19, 1875

Elizabeth Booth Wife of Nathaniel Booth Died Jany 2, 1823
Sally Booth daughter, of Nathaniel Booth died April 2, 1823
Elizabeth Booth wife of Robert Booth Died June 22, 1833
