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Another Alphabetical Exercise

ANOTHER ALPHABETICAL EXERCISE By ... Steve Lucky Zero error is not possible, Yet it is possible to learn from past mistakes. Xylographing something does not change its meaning. Works of days past, Vary in size, structure, and meaning but Underneath are the experiences shared by all human beings. Time has not changed the basic needs. Somehow everyone needs to Remember to get food, sleep, and water. Questioning the importance of these things does not change their value. Progress with discoveries like Oxygen has not changed mankind's dependency on these things. Normally one does not have to think about breathing, but it must be done. Modern discoveries could show us more Little things people take for granite that would Kill everyone if taken away. Just as we depend on food, sleep, water, and oxygen Individuals depend on one another. Holding on to material objects does not change this need. Giving during hard times is a reminder how Feeble we really are. Every day passes with the same needs required of all human beings. Doing something or not doing something is required to survive. Careful planning helps, yet it never makes things certain. Beyond the reach of mere human beings can be found the Answers for all we need to know. Copyright 2008, Steve Lucky