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WILL POWER By ... Steve Lucky

Will Power

WILL POWER By ... Steve Lucky One attempting to climb a hill Becomes aware of the power of will. Stress and fatigue make one want to quit, Yet the will will continue to function through it. Like the mind and body, the will can be trained. For continued results, it should be maintained. Room for improvement can always be found As long as perfection is never around. Towards the impossible one tries to reach. Quitting is something the will will not teach. Every step taken, no matter how small Is another step closer to completing it all. Power from will when other power fails Helps ensure that endurance prevails. Finding success when success will not come May be the only way to get the job done. Through any given circumstance on any given day, Somehow will power will find a way. Will power is nothing unless one will act To keep the power of will intact. Copyright 2004, Steve Lucky