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DESPERATION By ... Steve Lucky


DESPERATION By ... Steve Lucky Human beings usually cling tightly To the smallest trace of hope Even as the hope itself diminishes. Dire situations bring out the best and worst in people As they ignore oridinary warnings For an all or nothing gamble Bringing miraculous success or horrifying failure. Panic sets in with the rational idea No rational solution can be found. Why do people strongly refuse to believe Something they greatly desire is impossible? More than once the so called impossible has been done. Odds have no meaning when nothing is left to loose, But people with supposedly nothing to loose Have increased their own problems exponentially. Great ideas and careless mistakes Come from those people who refused to die When common sense told them Anything they did was pointless. Innovation in abundance leads to a few successful outcomes Rather than no successful outcomes at all. Numbers and facts, however, are not the reason They hold on to their desires in spite of it all. Every ounce of will adds to the whole. Quality and quantity can improve. Perhaps failure itself will lead others to ... desperation. Copyright 2004, Steve Lucky