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Seventy Times Seven

SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN By ... Steve Lucky Jesus told Peter the number of forgiveness Is more like seventy times seven than seven. Those who actually try for this number Discover the number of forgiveness Will not be reached by counting. People considered to be immoral, not the moral ones, Are far more likely to come crashing down full force Whenever the slightest wrong is made against them. Righteous people know when one is required to forgive, Strong desire to do otherwise will be present. Grace is a generous gift from God Meant for righteous people and wicked people alike. Forgiveness is a fundamental building block Of religion, life, and lasting friendships Because imperfection is a part of human nature Never to go away. Forgiveness is a gift which can never be earned. Uncountable is its value. While one searches for perfect beings, The imperfect beings surrounding and including everyone Can show the way to God If he or she is willing to hear What the least of them has to say. Seventy times seven is only a glimpse of eternity. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky