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MORTALITY By ... Steve Lucky


MORTALITY By ... Steve Lucky Many times I have been confronted by my own mortality Skills in some areas can not be shown to the general public Because of what I lack in others. Things I want to do I simply can not Even if I spent the rest of my life training for it. Careless mistakes are once again found Years after I thought such problems had been solved. Foolish attempts to get ahead Hurt both myself and the people around me. Doing the right thing seems useless When I lack the power to convince numerous, superior opponents Of the most basic of moral values. People all over the world and people in my neighborhood Suffer from problems I do not know how to solve. Giving them everything I have would be nothing more Than a drop in the bucket. Laughter, intended for humor and joy, Becomes warped into the enjoyment of suffering. Knowing this is not a problem I can solve, I ask other people to solve the problem for me Only to discover they are just as powerless as I am. Power and popularity does mean immunity to natural disasters. Life is very fragile Compared to the incredible powers surrounding it. As I grow older, things I once did easily Take considerable effort to complete. Eventually I will not be able to do them at all. Signs of improvement are very real, Yet these same signs let me know I will never improve enough to handle everything. Dealing with mortality requires to the realization Of how little can be done or even attempted. Why even attempt to do what experts say is impossible? Experts are mortals too. Not all problems I come across can be solved, But I know my efforts are not wasted. This is only is only way I can learn How to do what I can to make the world a better place. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky