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Children Are Important

CHILDREN ARE IMPORTANT By ... Steve Lucky Everyone has something to teach Regardless of how short a time one has been around. Babies also have something to offer the community. They give important information with a crying sound. Children have a different viewpoint of the world, Forgotten too often by adults. Less time they have to accumulate Normal, basic human faults. Watching children as they play Can teach adults about times long past As well as changes occurring over generations In a world many feel is spinning too fast. Not yet aware of the needs of business Yet perceptive to what others create, Many children blend emotions and senses. Further learning comes as they immitate. What children first learn about the world around them Determines the course of their entire lives. Other children add their own input. More than adults, they decide who survives. Voices of children echo for years. Generations later people still try to respond To the echoes coming from their childhood. Groups of children from a lifelong bond. Often trusted more than adults, People will listen to what children have to say. Knowing the difficulties children face to speak in public, Adults might be more likely to obey. Do not let anyone convince children No one will listen to young people when they speak. Power is far from everything. Strong voices sometimes come from the weak. Children are important to everyone. Every adult was once a child. Without saying a word, they are still human beings Learning from others while running wild. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky