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SELF DEFENSE By ... Steve Lucky

Self Defense

SELF DEFENSE By ... Steve Lucky When hostile feelings become intense It is good to know self defense. Violent reactions often grow. This is something even enemies should know. Defense does not mean one has to act tough. Stopping hostilities may be enough. Protection for self can be extended to friends Keeping them away from horrible ends. Great power one hopes will never be used Leaves some people terribly confused. Fighting for peace is a delicate thing, Yet the mere attempt can bring Courage to those being bullied around By giving them more solid ground. Danger can strike at any time, Rarely following reason or rhyme. At all times one must be prepared To love no defense can be compared. Worthless is protection when one forgets love. From the ground below to the stars above, Love is the overriding force Since it comes from the most powerful source. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky