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CRAWLING By ... Steve Lucky


CRAWLING By ... Steve Lucky Improvement comes with time and practice. Noticing this improvement one may not realize One still has a long way to go. Progress, though considerably faster, is still quite slow Compared to the standards wanted. Minor success does not mean the end of the journey. Everything has the potential to be built on everything else. With the nearest destinations reachable, dreams come into focus, But not a way to make them a reality. Nearby objects become familiar as one travels To all the places he or she can go. From these objects one begins to get an idea Of what the world is like. Long distances are a reminder limitations are still very present. Help is still needed for goals that are out of range. Since help does not always arrive, More realistic goals should be set and done alone. Complex tasks can be divided into parts well within one's reach. Each minor goal, once completed Adds to growing confidence the whole thing can be done. Finding a solid foundation, one tries to stand. It is very different when not held up by another. Realizing one can only do so much, one also becomes aware Even the most powerful people have limitations. Doing things for himself or herself, Becomes a part of everyday life. Zooming around a room makes one aware What can be done right away, what can be done in time, And what can not be done ... yet. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky