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PACE By ... Steve Lucky


PACE By ... Steve Lucky When doing a chore or running a race, One tries to keep a solid, steady pace. Things timed to a rythmic beat Are much easier to repeat. Each small part adds to the whole Bringing one closer to the goal. People trying to do things too quickly May soon tire or even become sickly. Doing things at a rate too slow Is not the way when ambitions are not low. Setting a pace that is right For one to keep going with maximum might Comes with experience as one learns what to do With different paces to see them through. Eventually one discovers which pace is best To put forth maximum energy and still get sufficient rest. Keeping everything times to the pace one sets Makes it more worthwhile to cling to whatever one gets. Wrong things happen more when one looks too far ahead So one should stick to the planned pace instead. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky