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BEGGING By ... Steve Lucky


BEGGING By ... Steve Lucky People give to beggars out of sympathy, Yet most beggars want to remain low key. It is not often treated with great respect. Beggars may have to face years of neglect. Humble a beggar has to be For others to be able to see Someone truly in need of aid Instead of someone refusing to work to be paid. Con artists and poor people learn begging takes skill To make sure they can get their fill. Most people at one time or another had to beg. Embarasement conquers some and their requests become vauge. Some people think begging should be a crime Due to those selfish few who beg all the time. Not everyone has what they need or the skill to get it. If one is not willing to beg, later one may regret it. Priorities should be set to ask for only what one needs. With all the things people want not everyone succeeds. Consistant begging should get results Though people in general see it has many faults. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky