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SUGAR By ... Steve Lucky


SUGAR By ... Steve Lucky Sugar can be quite a treat. What other substance tastes as sweet? Healthy foods with a horrible taste By adding sugar with not go to waste. Just about anything that can be eaten Extra sugar is able to sweeten. Food is esential to keep people alive. Unless one eats, one will not survive. One still should not try to decieve. Too much sugar makes it easy to concieve Problems caused by cavities Bringing the strongest people to their knees. Dentists can stop cavities before it is too late, Yet can not stop the problem of gaining weight. Anything eaten in excess Can add up and lead to a horrible mess. Whatever pleasure sugar brings will not last long. Long term problems sugar can make strong. It has a good use in moderation. Not using too much takes skill and concentration. Risks are taken for simple pleasure. Moments of sweetness one should treasure. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky