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MATURITY By ... Steve Lucky


MATURITY By ... Steve Lucky Some people try to set clear lines for maturity. One who reaches a certain age or performs a certain ceremony Is considered mature by his or her peers in society. However, maturity is a lifelong process With no clear cut boundaries or destinations. People mature at different rates. Even the same person does not mature At the same rate for an entire lifetime. Realizing mistakes and making every effort to correct them Becomes part of the never ending process needed to mature. Ceremonies may be a marker for maturity, Not the beginning or end of it. Well before they even knew about the ceremony, They were maturing, each at his or her own pace, And it continues well after the ceremony is over. Gained with age, age does not tell the full story. Some people are forced to mature against their will Due to circumstances beyond their control. Forcedly mature children, teenagers, and even adults May feel like they have been robbed of their childhood. It is not always wanted, but maturity eventually comes. Otherwise people would remain immature forever. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky