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CHASING A DREAM By ... Steve Lucky

Chasing A Dream

CHASING A DREAM By ... Steve Lucky They laughed at her because of her dream, But she knew she could make it come true. When events did not go her way, Her continual efforts she would renew. Although her skills greatly exceeded their own, Such meaningless comparisons they did not use. Results were all they cared about. Excuses she made would only confuse. Nightmares of being eaten by animals Constantly entered her mind. Faced with growing doubt she kept on going Knowing she would win because she was kind. Progress was slow but clearly being made. Obsticles already passed would not block her way again. Listening to others, but deciding on her own She would have her way right there and then. Doubters simply could not keep up With her enforced desire to be a success. Not always victorious in what she did, It was up to her to clean up the mess. Time went by and the course of events Clearly was going in her direction. Helping others while chasing a dream Proved to be the right selection. Even when doubters turn out to be right, Dreamers do not give up hope. Advice was given, but she had to decide for herself Which way was best and how to cope. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky