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PROMOTION By ... Steve Lucky


PROMOTION By ... Steve Lucky For almost as long as people have held rank, Someone occasionally moves up in rank. This could be for winning a battle, A great accomplishment or series of accomplishments, Or sufficient time of dedicated service. Whatever the reason, with the promotion comes More privilleges and more responsibility. It is considered an honor and a sign of continual improvement. Promotion is something many people keep working to get, Yet it is not something that happens very often. Higher and lower ranked people alike Need to readjust their routine To take the new promotion into account. Adjustments to a greater extent have to be made By the one recieving the promotion. Life for that person will never be the same again. One promoted to the highest rank Recieves the most honor and the most attention. Entire nations stop what they are doing to celebrate the event. With a new promotion, even the highest one, life does not end. People continue to advance in ways other than rank. Journeys do not end with advancement, only by reaching the destination. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky