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LIFE STORY By ... Steve Lucky

Life Story

LIFE STORY By ... Steve Lucky A life story takes a lifetime to create. This is what one would expect. Every event builds on what took place before. For the living, their life story is not done. While one is still alive, it is not too late. Surprise plot twists in the life story one can still select. No matter what one does, one can still do more. It equally applies to everyone. People have different types of skills And can perform them in inequal amounts. Differences are not always something one can control. Facts like these can not be denied. Overcoming personal handicaps and ills Gives one a noble skill the counts When overwhelming opposition to one's personal goal Threatens to ruin people who have tried and tried. Life stories for the living are still being written. One should not think the story is complete Until death declares it the final page. Endings tend to be what people most want to read. Stories do not require one to be bitten. Changes make sure events do not repeat. What does not go away with age Is the forest that grows from a single seed. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky