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MAJORITY By ... Steve Lucky


MAJORITY By ... Steve Lucky Rule by the majority Is the way of democracy. Though far less corrupt than rule by the one, Does it always get the job done? Evil majority ideas are nothing new. One has the right to such a point of view. When one questions the majority, Very important it is to see How the majority came to think An idea will float that will actually sink. Self questioning should be done, Whether or not one's opinion is the majority one. Can an evil majority be replaced By something even more sinister which then must be faced? Descenters sometimes bow to the majority will To prevent such a horrible ill. It the majority will is not carried out, Many people will start to doubt People in power enforcing their own part. Who has the best interest of the public at heart? Although rule by the majority no one can perfect, This system most people are willing to protect. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky