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WHO AM I? By ... Steve Lucky

Who Am I?

WHO AM I By ... Steve Lucky My name is Steve Lucky. I was born August 13, 1969 in Lexington, Kentucky. Belief in God I treasured at an early age And still treasure those moments even today. Pretending to be a member of the opposite sex Comes easier for me than most. Years of practice is the reason Despite what other people think about it. Shyness has always been a problem for me. Too many times I have missed my chance Because I was too shy to face it. Romance, though rare, I have been able to find. Most of it has come in the final moments Just before distance plays its cruel hand. Greed is not something I want dominating my life. Dreams of mine concern saving lives And making the world a better place. Words, my words, I want to reach More and more people until all the world Can hear what I have to say. Fear of anger, especially my own, Has always exisisted inside me. It is something I have to overcome daily. For many causes I have fought, But what do I want for myself? A chance to relax and make my work Known to the general public without recieving Questions I am too shy and embarased to answer, Courage to continue no matter what obsticles might be in my way, And dreams reality tells me will never happen But I want anyway. Lack of descriptions for my inner thoughts Hopefully will be overcome with the passage of time. Knowing imperfection will always be with me, Some secrets I will keep to myself forever. Goals for the future include continuing with my poetry, Establishing a solid foundation, and hopefully adding some stories To my growing collection of books. Not all the goals I have set for myself are easy. I do not predict I will succeed with all of them. Psychics are often wrong and many frauds can be found, Yet I know psychic powers are real. Any disaster they can forsee should be taken seriously. My life I would give to make sure Their message reaches the general public. For many causes I would be willing to give my life, Especially my belief in God. I also know the importance of living So I can keep doing Whatever I feel needs to be done. Does any of this answer the question of who I am? Yes, but the question can never be answered fully. I am a complex human being with constant and changing Strengths, dreams, and faults. Predictable and unpredictable are my behaviors. All of it is blended into a single humen being, The one who is known as Steve Lucky. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky