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Return Insults With Kindness

RETURN INSULTS WITH KINDNESS By ... Steve Lucky Christians are supposed to return insults with kindness. Easy to say, yet hard to do. Like violence breeds violence, kindness breeds kindness too. One who handles the sacrifice and effort Needed to carry out this difficult task, Discovers the benefits are well worth the price. Though practice and determination, one gains confidence Kindness will outlast even the cruelest insults. Many, if not all, will fall short of the goal. Shortcomings do not mean the battle is over. Help from anyone and everyone plays a part In making sure kind words conquer all insults preceeding it. No act of kindness is too insignificant Or should be overlooked by those who supposedly know better. Hostilities are abundant in the world of mankind, Yet God showers everyone with love, showing everyone His ultimate example. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky