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PRISM By ... Steve Lucky


PRISM By ... Steve Lucky As long as one can find a light Glowing with a brilliant white, Red, yellow, blue, green, And all the colors in between Can be distinguished from each other By seperating them from one another. Each color is refracted at a different angle. With the help of a prism one can untangle The mixture of colors of which light is composed. Light sources whether free or enclosed Contain the same types of colors inside. Normally these colors will hide In the pure white light usually around Wherever a light source can be found. Goodness is also made of many parts. People seem to know them inside their hearts. Honesty, compassion, the need to forgive, Kindness, courage, and the will to live Play their part in the greater whole Of love contained inside the soul. These different parts tend to blur together Because they were designed to last forever. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky