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LATENT By ... Steve Lucky


LATENT By ... Steve Lucky Great potential exists inside me. Many desired changes I am fully capable of creating for myself. All I have to do is overcome the fears lingering deep inside. The hardest part of a task Can be starting it in the first place. Once the former latent potential has been released, Everything takes shape like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. High ideals are nice, yet nearly worthless Without a way of applying them to everyday reality. Latent thoughts, feelings, and desires should eventually surface. It can happen gradually through constant effort Or in a massive surge triggered by a single event. Bringing their effect to the present and the future, They build on one another to create the desired changes. Unseen my latent feelings can still Give me the motivation I need to continue. My latent potential should be put into action. Valued greatly it should not be lost or neglected. Perhaps even worse it should not remain forever latent. Copyright 2002, 2003, Steve Lucky