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ALLIAS By ... Steve Lucky


ALIAS By ... Steve Lucky Typing on the computer While using a name other than my own, Makes me wonder what we really know about each other. I have a need to protect myself From the many untrustworthy people Given access to whatever I reveal About my true identity. Even while providing adaquate protection, It can also be a burden. Names hidden from foes are also hidden from friends. Revealing an alias comes at a price too. Far too often, removing my shield reminds me Why the shield existed in the first place. Codes, made for the trusting instead of the smart, Theortically give me a way to reveal my name Only to those considered trustworthy. No such method is foolproof, But it contains some of the advantages Of both opening up and remaining hidden. If everyone could be trusted, aliases would not be needed. Such a world, however, is not found here. My most recent alias remains undiscovered ... for now. Copyright 2002, 2003, Steve Lucky