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COUNTDOWN By ... Steve Lucky


COUNTDOWN By ... Steve Lucky Ten ... Focus is placed on the countdown Until the long awaited event can replace it. Nine ... Intense feelings start to build Along with a growing impatience and desire for action. Eight ... Other activities are done in a failed attempt To keep the mind occupied while waiting. Seven ... Despite numerous attmepts to do otherwise, Thoughts keep returning to the countdown and the coming event. Six ... Only important events get a countdown And this is definitely one of them. Five ... With the knowledge it will not be much longer Nervous trembling from deep inside reaches the surface. Four ... Loud breathing is all that can be heard Over the silence that seems to drown out all other noises. Three ... Fewer numbers remaining gives greater emphasis to the countdown Causing more trivial concerns to fade into the background. Two ... Even breathing can no longer be heard As the anticipated event becomes the primary focus. ONE ... Staying clear of careless mistakes Is the only worry remaining. ZERO! It is finally here! Children eagerly rush out as the school opens its doors For the last time of the year. Copyright 2002, Steve Lucky